Blog post - by Cecilia Malmström 5 May 2015 | 5.Investments in TTIP and beyond - towards an International Investment Court | |
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První citát | When the EU took over the responsibility for investment issues with the Lisbon Treaty in 2010, there was already a dense web of investment protection treaties in place in Europe. Since the 1960s, EU Member States have negotiated some 1,400 of these agreements, the main objectives being to make it safe for European companies to invest abroad and to attract more investment to Europe. | |
Druhý citát | I have heard many concerns about dispute settlement between investors and states (ISDS) and the rules included in many of the existing agreements. To a large extent, I share these concerns, especially when it comes to the sometimes unclear definitions that leave too much room for interpretation and possible abuse, and the lack of transparency. | |
Třetí citát |
Our new approach also makes arbitral tribunals operate more like traditional courts, with a clear code of conduct for arbitrators.
It furthermore guarantees access to an appeal system. And, as a medium term goal, it sets out to work towards the establishment of a permanent multilateral investment court.These and other changes outlined in our concept paper are intended to be an integral part of the EU’s investment protection, for TTIP and for all future EU investment agreements. |
Akronymy a názvy | Anglický text je napsán přibližně sedmi tisíci různými tokeny (slovy v různých tvarech). Více než sedmset tokenů tvoří akronymy, zeměpisné názvy a několik jmen osob. Kontaktní webová stránka obsahuje seznam různých států a jazyků z celého světa | |
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Odchyluje se stav od strategie úspěšných? Pomůže České republice větší vyjednávací síla EU zlepšit aktuální smlouvy? Chápe a zná český čtenář akronymy, které jsou v textu? |