Sadism, 525 |
Sagan, Duchy of, 184 | CS: Duchy of Żagań Zaháň |
Salivarium, 497 |
Salkowsky, 46 | Salkowski's Reagent Test |
“Salome”, 288 |
Salpetriere, 23, 48 | CS: Hôpital de la Salpetriere |
Salvarsan, 45, SL ^5 | CS: salvarsan |
Salviati, 441 | CS: Francesco de' Rossi (1510—1563) Francesco Salviati nebo Il Salviati, ale také Francesco Rossi a Cecchino del Salviati. |
Salvini, 264 |
Salzburg, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299 |
Sarasani company, 311 | NL: Sarasani |
Sargent, Malcolm, conductor, 443 | Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent (29.4.1895-3.10.1967) |
Sauer, 322 |
Sauer, Oscar, 272 | DE: Oscar Sauer, auch Oskar Sauer (5.12.1856-3.4.1918) |
Sauerbruch, Professor, 517 | CS: Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch (3.7.1875-2.7.1951) |
Sauternes, 550 | CS: Sauternes |
Saville Row tailor^ 429 | Savile Row tailoring |
Scala Opera, Milan, 326, 351 |
ScapaFlow, 189 |
Scarlatti, 336 |
Scarpa, anatomist, 37 | IT: Antonio Scarpa (19.5.1752-31.10.1832) |
Schacht, Hjalmar, Reichsbankpresident, „ 165,393 | CS: Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht (22.1.1877-3.6.1970) |
Schaffgotsch, Friedrich, Count, 186 | CS: Schaffgotschové |
“Schall xmd Rauch”, 282 | DE: Schall und Rauch (Martin Zickel, Friedrich Kayssler und Max Reinhardt, 1901) |
Schaudiim, Professor, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90 |
Scheermaim, Raphael, graphologist, 522, 523 |
Scherl, editor, 163, 164 |
Schikaneder, 355 |
Schiller, Fr. von, 23, 289 |
Schinkel, architect, 134 |
Schittenhelm, A., Professor, 521 |
Schleich, Professor, 85 |
Schmidt, Erich, Professor, 136 |
Schmiedeberg, Professor, 69 |
Schnabel, Arthur, 148, 214, 325 | CS: Artur Schnabel (17.4.1882-15.8.1951) |
Schnitzler, A., 123, 261, 271, 277 |
Schoenberg, composer, 333 | DE: Arnold Schönberg, Komponist, Musiktheoretiker, Kompositionslehrer, Maler, Dichter und Erfinder. (13.9.1874-13.7.1951) |
Schoenebeck, Colonel von, 537 |
Schoenfeld, director, 266 |
Schoenlein, 48 |
Schopenhauer, 334, 382 |
Schostakovitch, 254, 333 | CS: Dmitrij Dmitrijevič Šostakovič (25.9.1906-9.8.1975) |
Schott, 341 |
Schroedinger, Professor, 202 |
Schubert, Carl von, ambassador, 162, |
Schubert, Franz, 427 |
Schueler, Edmund, 160, 161, 162 |
Schulek, Professor, 33 |
Schulenburg, Count von der, 257 |
Schultze-Amdt, 510 |
Schumann Circus, 280 |
Schurmann, ambassador, 192, 193 |
Schwarz, 100 |
Schwarz, Joseph, singer, 363 |
Schwimmer, Professor, 33 |
Scientific maxim, 467 |
Secrecy, self-important, 75 |
Sedentary life, 486 |
Seebach, Count, 349 |
Seeckt, General (later Field-Marshal) von, 1 1 7, 158, 159, 301 |
Seibl, 123 |
Self-experimentation, 63 |
Semi-Permeability, 492 |
Semiramides, 360 |
Semmclweiss, Professor, 33 |
Senility, 557 |
Serbia, 103 |
Serbo-Croat, 543 |
Serology, 74 |
Serotherapy, 508 |
Serum treatment, 510 |
Seurat, painter, 124 |
Severing, minister, 122 |
Sexual act, 524 |
Sexual bondage, 537 |
Sexual brain-centre, 536 |
Sexual desire, 527 |
Sexual instinct, 455 |
Sexual needs, 525 |
Sexual reactions, 525 |
Sexual relations, extra-marital, 524 |
Sexual satisfaction, 530 |
Sexual science, 523 |
Sexual secrecy, 523 |
Sexuality in childhood, 526^ |
Sequard, Brown-, physiologist, 75 |
Shaftesbury Theatre, 305 |
Shakespeare, 60, 124, 288, 289, 337 |
Shakespeare, sonnets of, 60 |
Shaw, G. B., 82, 123, 127, 240, 241, 261, 269, 277, 390, 435 |
Shaw, Mrs, 390 |
Sheba, The Queen of, 13 |
Shelley, 216 |
Shepherd’s Bush, 314 |
Shylock, 334 |
Siebert, Rudolf, 317 |
Siegfried, 539 |
Siemens, 216 |
Siesta, 553 |
Silesia, 106 |
Simon, Heinz, editor, 166 |
Simon, Therese, 352 |
Simon-Sonnemann, publisher, 163 |
Sins of omission, 560 |
“Sisi”, 341 |
Skoldzky, Count, 197 |
Sleep, 487, 554 |
Slevogt frescoes, 192 |
Slevogt, Max, 123, 148, 150, 21 1, 214, 349, 371, 372, 37> 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 360, 381, 382, 383, 385 |
Slezak, Leo, singer, 345 |
Slimming, 477 |
Slow worm tuberculin, 13 1 |
Smoking, 550, 551, 554 |
Smoking, comforting effect of, 552 |
Smoking, prohibition of, 553 |
Smythe, Dame Ethel, 443 |
Socrates, 82 |
Soerensen, Professor, 97 |
Sole, soft, 456 |
Solveigh Committee, 237 |
Somatose, 416 |
Sonnemann, editor, 166 |
Sonnenburg, Professor, 64, 85 |
Sonnenthal, 263, 264 |
Sophocles, 287, 332 |
Sorma, Agnes, 272 |
Soviet Russia, 531 |
Spallanzani, 37, 41, 530 |
Spain, 107 |
Specialization, 507 |
Spencer, Herbert, 401 |
Sperma, 530 |
Spinoza, 382, 514 |
Spirocheta Pallida, 90 |
Spitzer, Moses, sailor, 1 1 |
“SPOG”, 379 |
Spoliansky, Mischa, 316, 317 |
Spontini, 128 |
Sport, 482, 486 |
Spreewald, loi, 175 |
St George’s Hospital, 404 |
St Moritz, 468 |
St Paul’s Cathedral, i6i |
St Sebastian 82 |
Stachanov, 246 |
Stahmer, ambassador, 428 |
Stanislavsky, 262, 273, 371 |
Starling, Ernest, Professor, 75, 415, |
State control, 530 |
Statute book, 531 |
“Staying power”, 483 |
Stein, Ludwig, Professor, 219 |
Steinach, Professor, 527, 548 |
Stephan, minister, 138 |
Sterility, 529, 533 |
Sterilization, 517 |
Stern, Ernst, stage designer, 288, 289, 290 |
Sternberg, Joseph, producer, 307, 314, 317, 320 |
Stemheim, Carl von, 261 |
Stethoscope, solid, 46 |
Stevenson, 149 |
Stiller, B., Professor, 33 |
Stinnes, A., 144 |
Stohrer, ambassador, 163 |
Stokes, 415 |
Stomach, secretions of the, 552 |
Stomach trouble, 475 |
Strand, 289 |
Strassburg, 62, 525 |
Stratford, 294 |
Strauss, Hermann, Professor, 517 |
Strauss, Ottmar, 102 |
Strauss, Richard, composer, 123, 141, 288, 327, 333, 342, 345, 349, 356, 357, 358, 359 |
Stravinsky, composer, 333, 358 |
Streicher, 357 |
Stresemann, Chancellor, 119, 151, 152, 304 |
Strindberg, 124, 261, 344 |
Stubbs, 188 |
Sub-soil water, 64 |
Suedekum, Albert, minister, 179 |
Sudorific properties, 496 |
Suggestion, 512 |
Sulphathiazol, 75 |
Sun, 499 |
Surgical intervention, 516 |
Svenska Dagbladet, 527 |
Sweat, 503 |
Sweat-glands, 495 |
Sweating, 68, 490, 494 |
Swimming, 485 |
Syrian excavations, 126 |
Sz6ll, Koloman, Prime Minister, 29, 53 |
Szigeti, Joseph, violinist, 330 |
Taeglichc Rundschau, 163 |
“Tales of Hoffmann”, 355 |
Talleyrand, statesman, 183 |
Tallin, 237 |
Tarisznya, 25 |
Tauber, Richard, singer, 330, 366 |
Tchechov, playwright, 261, 277 |
Tcheka, 255 |
Tchitcherin, foreign Commissar, 151 |
Technical High School, Karlsruhe, 227 |
T^eth, 470 |
Templum Humanitatis, 389 |
Tennis, 485 |
Terry, Ellen^ actress, 274, 289 |
Terwin, Johanna, actress, 268 |
“The Wreckers”, 443 |
Theater in der Koeniggraetzerstrasse, 265 |
“Theatre Libre,” 269 |
“Theatre of the Five Thousand”, 280 |
“Theatrical blood”, 267 |
Thebes, 332 |
“Theominal”, 416 |
Thermo-regulatory system, 495 |
Thesing, Kurt, editor, 8^ |
Thiel, ministerial director, 77 |
Thielscher, Guido, actor, 292 |
Thimig, Helene, actrep, 296, 297 |
Thomdn, Stefan, pianist, 322, 323, 324, 325» 326 |
Thorium X, 367 |
Thyssen, August, industrialist, 108, 455 |
Tiller, Moritz, tailor. Consul, 27 |
Time-control watch, 487 |
TimeSy Thy 433 |
Tintoretto, painter, 374 |
Tiredness, 479 |
Tirpitz, Admiral von, loi, 107 | CS: Alfred Peter Friedrich Tirpitz (19.3.1849-6.3.1930) |
Tisza, Count, Prime Minister, 170 |
“Titans of Medicine”, 516 |
Titian, painter, 441 |
Tobacco, 551 |
Tolerance, human, 558 |
Tollnaes, Gunar, film actor, 31 1 |
Tolstoy, Leo, author, 254, 261 |
Tonsils, 470 |
Toothache, 481 |
Toscanini, A., conductor, 297, 326, 327, 330. 346, 349, 350, 351, 359, 354 |
Trammg, 482 |
Transcendental forces, 518 |
Traube, Professor, pathologist, 63 |
“Traviata”, 355 |
Treaty of Pilsen, 186 |
Treaty, Rapallo, 12 1 |
Treaty, Versailles, 474 |
Triesch, Irene, actress, 272 |
Tripaflavin, 94 |
Tropisms, 469, 520, 538 |
Trott zu Solz, minister, 281 |
Trotsky, Soviet Commissar, 144, 145, 252 |
“Troubadour”, 355 |
Trousseau, Professor, pathologist, 521 |
Trypanosomiasis, 85 |
Tuberculin, 42 |
Tuberculin treatment, 50 |
Tuberculosis, 475 |
Tug-of-war, 480 |
Turban, Dr, 50 |
Twain, Mark, author, 447 |
“Two Ties”, 317 |
“Typhoon”, 291 |
“Ueberbretl”, 265 |
UFA, 312, 313, 317 |
Ullstein, 165 |
Under-nounshment, 474 |
Unfaithfulness, 538 |
Union Theatres, 312 |
Unruh, Fritz von, 133, 306 |
Uraemia, 494 |
Vaccination, 510 |
Valentin, producer, 279 |
Vallentin, Antonina, journalist, 120 |
van Gogh, painter, 124, 385 |
van Svieten, 526 |
Vaterland Haus, 124 |
Vecsey, Franz von, violinist, 330 |
Vegetarian, rice-pudding, 547 |
Veidt, Conrad, actor, 313 |
Velasquez, painter, 254, 441 |
Velden, van den, 5 1 7 |
Venus, 526 |
Verdi, Giuseppe, composer, 350, 356 |
Verein Deutscher Studenten, 47 |
Veronal, 136 |
Versailles Treaty, 158, 191, 195 |
V6szi, Josef, journalist, 22 |
V^zi, Margit, journalist, 22 |
Victorian ornament, 440 |
Vienna Conservatorium, 59 |
Vienna General Hospital, 48 |
Vienna Medical Faculty, 455 |
Vienna Opera House, 354 |
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, 297, 442 |
Viennese cookery, 449 |
Vieuxtemps, composer, 329, 390 |
Vinci, Leonardo da, 373 |
Violin playing, 484 |
Virchov, Rudolf, Professor, anatomist, 43, 62, 82, 84 |
Virgin, vestal, 539 |
Virginity, 538 |
Visegrdd, 60, 61 |
Vitalism, 253 |
Vitality, order of, 555 |
Vitamins, 75, 473, 500 |
Vita minima, 462 |
Vivaldi, composer, 336 |
Vivisection, 63, 65 |
Voelkischer Beobachter, 167 |
Vogel & Kleinbrink, 53 |
Voigt, physiologist, 388 |
Vollmoeller, Carl, playwright, 273 |
Volpi, Lauri, singer, 354 |
Voltaire, 76, 291 |
Voluptuous figure, 477 |
Vomiting, 68, 494 |
Voronoff, physiologist, 527 |
Vorwaerts, 166 |
Vossische Z^tung, 163, 165 |
Vyalzeva, singer, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371 |
Wagner, Adolph, Professor, economist, 31 |
Wagner, Richard, composer, 214, 327, 350, 354» 358, 381, 383, 539 | CS:
Wilhelm Richard Wagner, skladatel, dramatik, básník, spisovatel, divadelní režisér a dirigent (22.5.1813-13.2.1883) |
Wa^er-Jauregg, Professor, psychiatrist, 513 |
Waking instinct, 490 |
Waldeyer, Professor, anatomist, 33, 44, 45, 80 |
Wallace, Edgar, author, 236 |
Wallenstein, 186, 188 |
Wallerstein, Doctor, opera producer, 297 |
Walter, Bruno, conductor, 297, 349, 353, 354, 355, 357, 443 |
Walton, Willy, composer, 333, 443 |
Warburg, M., 129 |
Warmbrunn, Schloss, 186, 187 |
War-time feeding, 472 |
Wassermann, August von, serologist, 84, 87, 91. 92, 93 | CS: Prof. August Paul von Wassermann (21.2.1866-16.3.1925) |
Wassmann, actor, 288, 292 |
“Weaker sex’’, 545 |
“Weavers”, 292, 303, 355, 442 |
“Weber”, 279, 307 |
Wedekind, playwright, 123, 261 |
Wegener, Paul, actor, 50, 266 |
Weigert, Professor, histologist, 93 |
Weimar Republic, 113, 119, 133 |
Weinberg, Arthur von, industrialist, 207 | DE: Arthur von Weinberg (11.8.1860-20.3.1943) |
Weingartner, conductor, 327, 344 |
Weininger, philosopher, 20, 536 |
Wekerle, Alexander, Prime Minister, 29 |
“Well of Good Fortune”, 392 |
Wells, H. G., author, 19 |
Welt am Abend, 167 |
Wernicke, Professor, brain anatomist, 517 |
Westminster School, 400 |
Westphalia, 106 |
Widal, Professor, pathology, 42 |
Wiegand, archaeologist, 125, 134 |
Wielopolski, Count, Master of the Hunt of the Czar, 197 |
“Wild Geese”, 266, 272 |
Wilde, Oscar, poet, 123, 124, 261, 277, 426 |
Wilhelm II, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182 |
Windsor, Duke of, 436 |
Windsor, House of, 428 |
Winterfeld, General von, 109 |
Wintergarten, 266 |
Wintemitz, Professor, hydropath, 496 |
“Winter’s Tale”, 289 |
Wirth, Chancellor, 118, 119 |
Wittgenstein, Princess, 322 |
Woellwarth, Erik, General, 103 |
Wolf, Doctor Charlotte, 521 |
Wolf, Louise, 269 |
Wolf organ, 20 |
Wolff, Hugo, composer, 353 |
Wolff, Theodor, editor, 302 |
Wolter, Charlotte, actress, 263 |
Wolzogen, Ernst von, poet, 265 |
Wood, Sir Henry, conductor, 443 |
Woolworth, 426 |
Work, limit of, 479, 482 |
Workers and Soldiers Council, 111 |
Wright, Professor Sir Almroth E., serologist, 96 | Sir Almroth Edward Wright (10.8.1861-30.4.1947) |
Wrinkles, facial, 456 |
Wuertzburg, 235 | DE: Würzburg |
Würtemberg, 106, 123 | DE: Württemberg |
Xenophobia, 398 |
Yahuda, Professor, 126 |
Ybl, Nicholas, architect, 27 | Miklós Ybl (6.4.1814-22.1.1891) |
York ham, 442 |
Young, Winthrop, poet, 399 | Geoffrey Winthrop Young (25.10.1876-8.9.1958) |
Zacconi, Ermete, actor, 264 | IT: Ermete Zacconi (14.9.1857-14.10.1948), horolezec |
Zaharoff, Basil, armaments merchant, 143 | Sir Basil Zaharoff, born Vasileios Zacharias (6.10.1849-27.11.1936) |
Zarden, ministerial director, 395 | DE: Arthur Heinrich Ludwig Zarden (27.4.1885-18.1.1944) |
Zilina, 56 | SK: Žilina |
Zita, Kaiserin, 170 (poslední česká královna) | CS: Zita Bourbonsko-Parmská, celým jménem Zita Maria delle Grazie Adelgonda Micaela Raffaela Gabriella Giuseppina Antonia Luisa Agnese, Principessa di Borbone di Parma (9.5.1892-14.3.1989) |
Zuckerkandl, O., Professor, 42 | DE: Emil Zuckerkandl (1.9.1849-28.5.1910) |
Zuellichau, 146, 183 | PL: Sulechów |
Zuntz, Nathaniel, Professor, 76, 77, 78, 82, 97, 416 | (1847-1920) |
Zuyder Zee, 222 | CS: Zuiderzee |
Zweig, Stefan, author, 351, 357 | CS: Stefan Zweig (28.11.1861-23.2.1942) |