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Full text of "Janos The Story Of A Doctor

Sadism, 525
Sagan, Duchy of, 184CS: Duchy of Żagań Zaháň
Salivarium, 497
Salkowsky, 46Salkowski's Reagent Test
“Salome”, 288
Salpetriere, 23, 48CS: Hôpital de la Salpetriere
Salvarsan, 45, SL ^5CS: salvarsan
Salviati, 441CS: Francesco de' Rossi (1510—1563) Francesco Salviati nebo Il Salviati, ale také Francesco Rossi a Cecchino del Salviati.
Salvini, 264
Salzburg, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299
Sarasani company, 311NL: Sarasani
Sargent, Malcolm, conductor, 443Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent (29.4.1895-3.10.1967)
Sauer, 322
Sauer, Oscar, 272DE: Oscar Sauer, auch Oskar Sauer (5.12.1856-3.4.1918)
Sauerbruch, Professor, 517CS: Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch (3.7.1875-2.7.1951)
Sauternes, 550CS: Sauternes
Saville Row tailor^ 429Savile Row tailoring
Scala Opera, Milan, 326, 351
ScapaFlow, 189
Scarlatti, 336
Scarpa, anatomist, 37IT: Antonio Scarpa (19.5.1752-31.10.1832)
Schacht, Hjalmar, Reichsbankpresident, „ 165,393CS: Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht (22.1.1877-3.6.1970)
Schaffgotsch, Friedrich, Count, 186CS: Schaffgotschové
“Schall xmd Rauch”, 282DE: Schall und Rauch (Martin Zickel, Friedrich Kayssler und Max Reinhardt, 1901)
Schaudiim, Professor, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90
Scheermaim, Raphael, graphologist, 522, 523
Scherl, editor, 163, 164
Schikaneder, 355
Schiller, Fr. von, 23, 289
Schinkel, architect, 134
Schittenhelm, A., Professor, 521
Schleich, Professor, 85
Schmidt, Erich, Professor, 136
Schmiedeberg, Professor, 69
Schnabel, Arthur, 148, 214, 325CS: Artur Schnabel (17.4.1882-15.8.1951)
Schnitzler, A., 123, 261, 271, 277
Schoenberg, composer, 333DE: Arnold Schönberg, Komponist, Musiktheoretiker, Kompositionslehrer, Maler, Dichter und Erfinder. (13.9.1874-13.7.1951)
Schoenebeck, Colonel von, 537
Schoenfeld, director, 266
Schoenlein, 48
Schopenhauer, 334, 382
Schostakovitch, 254, 333CS: Dmitrij Dmitrijevič Šostakovič (25.9.1906-9.8.1975)
Schott, 341
Schroedinger, Professor, 202
Schubert, Carl von, ambassador, 162,
Schubert, Franz, 427
Schueler, Edmund, 160, 161, 162
Schulek, Professor, 33
Schulenburg, Count von der, 257
Schultze-Amdt, 510
Schumann Circus, 280
Schurmann, ambassador, 192, 193
Schwarz, 100
Schwarz, Joseph, singer, 363
Schwimmer, Professor, 33
Scientific maxim, 467
Secrecy, self-important, 75
Sedentary life, 486
Seebach, Count, 349
Seeckt, General (later Field-Marshal) von, 1 1 7, 158, 159, 301
Seibl, 123
Self-experimentation, 63
Semi-Permeability, 492
Semiramides, 360
Semmclweiss, Professor, 33
Senility, 557
Serbia, 103
Serbo-Croat, 543
Serology, 74
Serotherapy, 508
Serum treatment, 510
Seurat, painter, 124
Severing, minister, 122
Sexual act, 524
Sexual bondage, 537
Sexual brain-centre, 536
Sexual desire, 527
Sexual instinct, 455
Sexual needs, 525
Sexual reactions, 525
Sexual relations, extra-marital, 524
Sexual satisfaction, 530
Sexual science, 523
Sexual secrecy, 523
Sexuality in childhood, 526^
Sequard, Brown-, physiologist, 75
Shaftesbury Theatre, 305
Shakespeare, 60, 124, 288, 289, 337
Shakespeare, sonnets of, 60
Shaw, G. B., 82, 123, 127, 240, 241, 261, 269, 277, 390, 435
Shaw, Mrs, 390
Sheba, The Queen of, 13
Shelley, 216
Shepherd’s Bush, 314
Shylock, 334
Siebert, Rudolf, 317
Siegfried, 539
Siemens, 216
Siesta, 553
Silesia, 106
Simon, Heinz, editor, 166
Simon, Therese, 352
Simon-Sonnemann, publisher, 163
Sins of omission, 560
“Sisi”, 341
Skoldzky, Count, 197
Sleep, 487, 554
Slevogt frescoes, 192
Slevogt, Max, 123, 148, 150, 21 1, 214, 349, 371, 372, 37> 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 360, 381, 382, 383, 385
Slezak, Leo, singer, 345
Slimming, 477
Slow worm tuberculin, 13 1
Smoking, 550, 551, 554
Smoking, comforting effect of, 552
Smoking, prohibition of, 553
Smythe, Dame Ethel, 443
Socrates, 82
Soerensen, Professor, 97
Sole, soft, 456
Solveigh Committee, 237
Somatose, 416
Sonnemann, editor, 166
Sonnenburg, Professor, 64, 85
Sonnenthal, 263, 264
Sophocles, 287, 332
Sorma, Agnes, 272
Soviet Russia, 531
Spallanzani, 37, 41, 530
Spain, 107
Specialization, 507
Spencer, Herbert, 401
Sperma, 530
Spinoza, 382, 514
Spirocheta Pallida, 90
Spitzer, Moses, sailor, 1 1
“SPOG”, 379
Spoliansky, Mischa, 316, 317
Spontini, 128
Sport, 482, 486
Spreewald, loi, 175
St George’s Hospital, 404
St Moritz, 468
St Paul’s Cathedral, i6i
St Sebastian 82
Stachanov, 246
Stahmer, ambassador, 428
Stanislavsky, 262, 273, 371
Starling, Ernest, Professor, 75, 415,
State control, 530
Statute book, 531
“Staying power”, 483
Stein, Ludwig, Professor, 219
Steinach, Professor, 527, 548
Stephan, minister, 138
Sterility, 529, 533
Sterilization, 517
Stern, Ernst, stage designer, 288, 289, 290
Sternberg, Joseph, producer, 307, 314, 317, 320
Stemheim, Carl von, 261
Stethoscope, solid, 46
Stevenson, 149
Stiller, B., Professor, 33
Stinnes, A., 144
Stohrer, ambassador, 163
Stokes, 415
Stomach, secretions of the, 552
Stomach trouble, 475
Strand, 289
Strassburg, 62, 525
Stratford, 294
Strauss, Hermann, Professor, 517
Strauss, Ottmar, 102
Strauss, Richard, composer, 123, 141, 288, 327, 333, 342, 345, 349, 356, 357, 358, 359
Stravinsky, composer, 333, 358
Streicher, 357
Stresemann, Chancellor, 119, 151, 152, 304
Strindberg, 124, 261, 344
Stubbs, 188
Sub-soil water, 64
Suedekum, Albert, minister, 179
Sudorific properties, 496
Suggestion, 512
Sulphathiazol, 75
Sun, 499
Surgical intervention, 516
Svenska Dagbladet, 527
Sweat, 503
Sweat-glands, 495
Sweating, 68, 490, 494
Swimming, 485
Syrian excavations, 126
Sz6ll, Koloman, Prime Minister, 29, 53
Szigeti, Joseph, violinist, 330
Taeglichc Rundschau, 163
“Tales of Hoffmann”, 355
Talleyrand, statesman, 183
Tallin, 237
Tarisznya, 25
Tauber, Richard, singer, 330, 366
Tchechov, playwright, 261, 277
Tcheka, 255
Tchitcherin, foreign Commissar, 151
Technical High School, Karlsruhe, 227
T^eth, 470
Templum Humanitatis, 389
Tennis, 485
Terry, Ellen^ actress, 274, 289
Terwin, Johanna, actress, 268
“The Wreckers”, 443
Theater in der Koeniggraetzerstrasse, 265
“Theatre Libre,” 269
“Theatre of the Five Thousand”, 280
“Theatrical blood”, 267
Thebes, 332
“Theominal”, 416
Thermo-regulatory system, 495
Thesing, Kurt, editor, 8^
Thiel, ministerial director, 77
Thielscher, Guido, actor, 292
Thimig, Helene, actrep, 296, 297
Thomdn, Stefan, pianist, 322, 323, 324, 325» 326
Thorium X, 367
Thyssen, August, industrialist, 108, 455
Tiller, Moritz, tailor. Consul, 27
Time-control watch, 487
TimeSy Thy 433
Tintoretto, painter, 374
Tiredness, 479
Tirpitz, Admiral von, loi, 107CS: Alfred Peter Friedrich Tirpitz (19.3.1849-6.3.1930)
Tisza, Count, Prime Minister, 170
“Titans of Medicine”, 516
Titian, painter, 441
Tobacco, 551
Tolerance, human, 558
Tollnaes, Gunar, film actor, 31 1
Tolstoy, Leo, author, 254, 261
Tonsils, 470
Toothache, 481
Toscanini, A., conductor, 297, 326, 327, 330. 346, 349, 350, 351, 359, 354
Trammg, 482
Transcendental forces, 518
Traube, Professor, pathologist, 63
“Traviata”, 355
Treaty of Pilsen, 186
Treaty, Rapallo, 12 1
Treaty, Versailles, 474
Triesch, Irene, actress, 272
Tripaflavin, 94
Tropisms, 469, 520, 538
Trott zu Solz, minister, 281
Trotsky, Soviet Commissar, 144, 145, 252
“Troubadour”, 355
Trousseau, Professor, pathologist, 521
Trypanosomiasis, 85
Tuberculin, 42
Tuberculin treatment, 50
Tuberculosis, 475
Tug-of-war, 480
Turban, Dr, 50
Twain, Mark, author, 447
“Two Ties”, 317
“Typhoon”, 291
“Ueberbretl”, 265
UFA, 312, 313, 317
Ullstein, 165
Under-nounshment, 474
Unfaithfulness, 538
Union Theatres, 312
Unruh, Fritz von, 133, 306
Uraemia, 494
Vaccination, 510
Valentin, producer, 279
Vallentin, Antonina, journalist, 120
van Gogh, painter, 124, 385
van Svieten, 526
Vaterland Haus, 124
Vecsey, Franz von, violinist, 330
Vegetarian, rice-pudding, 547
Veidt, Conrad, actor, 313
Velasquez, painter, 254, 441
Velden, van den, 5 1 7
Venus, 526
Verdi, Giuseppe, composer, 350, 356
Verein Deutscher Studenten, 47
Veronal, 136
Versailles Treaty, 158, 191, 195
V6szi, Josef, journalist, 22
V^zi, Margit, journalist, 22
Victorian ornament, 440
Vienna Conservatorium, 59
Vienna General Hospital, 48
Vienna Medical Faculty, 455
Vienna Opera House, 354
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, 297, 442
Viennese cookery, 449
Vieuxtemps, composer, 329, 390
Vinci, Leonardo da, 373
Violin playing, 484
Virchov, Rudolf, Professor, anatomist, 43, 62, 82, 84
Virgin, vestal, 539
Virginity, 538
Visegrdd, 60, 61
Vitalism, 253
Vitality, order of, 555
Vitamins, 75, 473, 500
Vita minima, 462
Vivaldi, composer, 336
Vivisection, 63, 65
Voelkischer Beobachter, 167
Vogel & Kleinbrink, 53
Voigt, physiologist, 388
Vollmoeller, Carl, playwright, 273
Volpi, Lauri, singer, 354
Voltaire, 76, 291
Voluptuous figure, 477
Vomiting, 68, 494
Voronoff, physiologist, 527
Vorwaerts, 166
Vossische Z^tung, 163, 165
Vyalzeva, singer, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371
Wagner, Adolph, Professor, economist, 31
Wagner, Richard, composer, 214, 327, 350, 354» 358, 381, 383, 539 CS: Wilhelm Richard Wagner, skladatel, dramatik, básník, spisovatel, divadelní režisér a dirigent (22.5.1813-13.2.1883)
Wa^er-Jauregg, Professor, psychiatrist, 513
Waking instinct, 490
Waldeyer, Professor, anatomist, 33, 44, 45, 80
Wallace, Edgar, author, 236
Wallenstein, 186, 188
Wallerstein, Doctor, opera producer, 297
Walter, Bruno, conductor, 297, 349, 353, 354, 355, 357, 443
Walton, Willy, composer, 333, 443
Warburg, M., 129
Warmbrunn, Schloss, 186, 187
War-time feeding, 472
Wassermann, August von, serologist, 84, 87, 91. 92, 93CS: Prof. August Paul von Wassermann (21.2.1866-16.3.1925)
Wassmann, actor, 288, 292
“Weaker sex’’, 545
“Weavers”, 292, 303, 355, 442
“Weber”, 279, 307
Wedekind, playwright, 123, 261
Wegener, Paul, actor, 50, 266
Weigert, Professor, histologist, 93
Weimar Republic, 113, 119, 133
Weinberg, Arthur von, industrialist, 207DE: Arthur von Weinberg (11.8.1860-20.3.1943)
Weingartner, conductor, 327, 344
Weininger, philosopher, 20, 536
Wekerle, Alexander, Prime Minister, 29
“Well of Good Fortune”, 392
Wells, H. G., author, 19
Welt am Abend, 167
Wernicke, Professor, brain anatomist, 517
Westminster School, 400
Westphalia, 106
Widal, Professor, pathology, 42
Wiegand, archaeologist, 125, 134
Wielopolski, Count, Master of the Hunt of the Czar, 197
“Wild Geese”, 266, 272
Wilde, Oscar, poet, 123, 124, 261, 277, 426
Wilhelm II, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182
Windsor, Duke of, 436
Windsor, House of, 428
Winterfeld, General von, 109
Wintergarten, 266
Wintemitz, Professor, hydropath, 496
“Winter’s Tale”, 289
Wirth, Chancellor, 118, 119
Wittgenstein, Princess, 322
Woellwarth, Erik, General, 103
Wolf, Doctor Charlotte, 521
Wolf, Louise, 269
Wolf organ, 20
Wolff, Hugo, composer, 353
Wolff, Theodor, editor, 302
Wolter, Charlotte, actress, 263
Wolzogen, Ernst von, poet, 265
Wood, Sir Henry, conductor, 443
Woolworth, 426
Work, limit of, 479, 482
Workers and Soldiers Council, 111
Wright, Professor Sir Almroth E., serologist, 96Sir Almroth Edward Wright (10.8.1861-30.4.1947)
Wrinkles, facial, 456
Wuertzburg, 235DE: Würzburg
Würtemberg, 106, 123DE: Württemberg
Xenophobia, 398
Yahuda, Professor, 126
Ybl, Nicholas, architect, 27Miklós Ybl (6.4.1814-22.1.1891)
York ham, 442
Young, Winthrop, poet, 399Geoffrey Winthrop Young (25.10.1876-8.9.1958)
Zacconi, Ermete, actor, 264IT: Ermete Zacconi (14.9.1857-14.10.1948), horolezec
Zaharoff, Basil, armaments merchant, 143Sir Basil Zaharoff, born Vasileios Zacharias (6.10.1849-27.11.1936)
Zarden, ministerial director, 395DE: Arthur Heinrich Ludwig Zarden (27.4.1885-18.1.1944)
Zilina, 56SK: Žilina
Zita, Kaiserin, 170 (poslední česká královna)CS: Zita Bourbonsko-Parmská, celým jménem Zita Maria delle Grazie Adelgonda Micaela Raffaela Gabriella Giuseppina Antonia Luisa Agnese, Principessa di Borbone di Parma (9.5.1892-14.3.1989)
Zuckerkandl, O., Professor, 42DE: Emil Zuckerkandl (1.9.1849-28.5.1910)
Zuellichau, 146, 183PL: Sulechów
Zuntz, Nathaniel, Professor, 76, 77, 78, 82, 97, 416(1847-1920)
Zuyder Zee, 222CS: Zuiderzee
Zweig, Stefan, author, 351, 357CS: Stefan Zweig (28.11.1861-23.2.1942)

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