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      Wordfast Server user manual
 Appendix1:  Setting up Wordfast Classic or Pro with WFS

Appendix1: Setting up Wordfast Classic or Pro with WFS

Run the following checklist if your client application (like Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Classic, or Wordfast Anywhere) cannot connect to WFS.

SomePort usually means 47110, which is Wordfat Server’s default port. If the WFS administrator sets up another port, use that port number.

IPnumber is the server’s domain name or IP number. If client and server are in the same LAN, use the server’s machine name, or LAN IP (visible in WFS in the Setup/Network pane). If not working inside a LAN, use the server’s WAN IP. The server’s WAN IP can be obtained from the server’s workstation by pointing a browser at or going to the Setup tab > Network. Note that is is preferable to use a domain name (or machine name from within a LAN).

Methodical two-step troubleshooting:

 1.  Set up WFS in the physical server. Install a client (WF Pro, or WF Classic) in the physical server, and make sure everything works.

 2.  Set up a client (WF Pro/Classic) on a LAN computer and test.

If you need to reach WFS from outside the LAN, set up

a client (WF Pro/Classic) on a WAN computer outside the LAN,

and test.

If 1. works and 2. (LAN or WAN) does not work, you’re dealing with port issues, NAT issues, firewall issues, or generally speaking, architecture issues that are outside our hotline’s reach. If 1. does not work, see the troubleshooting guidelines below.

With Wordfast Classic (WFC):

Prerequisite: you must run a small utility named WfServerRelay.exe alongside WF Server. WF Classic (WFC) actually “talks” to WfServerRelay (WFR). WFR “locally” talks to Wordfast Server (WFS). The physical server should have a fixed IP, and the appropriate port open. WfServerRelay uses port 81 by default.

Here are two screenshots that illustrate Wordfast Classic (WFC) running with Wordfast Server (WFS) and Wordfast Relay (WFR) all on the same machine. WFS and/or WFR can be on other machines in which case their respective IP addresses must be updated.

For the above example to work:

  1. The entire setup (WFC’s TM and setup and the TM used by WFS) is EN-US to FR-FR. A common cause of failure is that the local tool (WFC) and the distant server’s TM do not have identical language codes.

  2. All software is on the same computer (WFC, WFS, and WFR). If the server and the relay are on other machines, simply update the IP numbers. If WFR (WfServerRelay) is local and WfServer (WFS) is distant, WFR=... should have as IP (local IP), and WFS=... should have the distant IP address. If both WfServerRelay and WfServer are remote, the WFR=... IP should be the remote IP, and the WFS=... IP should then be - because then WFR “talks” to a local WFS).

  3. The Account at WFS is named EN2FR (any other name is OK), the password is EN2FR (any other password is OK), the “Server active” checkbox is checked in WFServer's "Activity" pane, the "Activity log" checkbox is checked, so that the server echoes the received commands as in the screenshot. In the TM section of WfServer, there must be no password (password field empty): the password is defined at the account level.

  4. TM is set to “active” in WFS’ TM tab.

  5. WFC is set up as per the screenshot.

  6. The active TM in WFS contains a translation unit with "Hello World." as source.

  7. The active TM in WFS is in "sync" (meaning, it has been reorganized once).

When opening a segment in WFC, you should see echoes of your activity in both WfServerRelay and WfServer, similar to what is seen in the screenshots. A “WFS100” match should be served on a green background by WF Classic.

With Wordfast Pro and Wordfast Anywhere:

With both clients:

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Copyright Ing. Milan Čondák 19.04.2015