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 04  SK Slovak vs SL Slovene

60 slovenčina - Slovak

932. BIBLE
2.38 Mb
SEBD 2008
Slovenský Ekumenický Biblia
Slovenská biblická spoločnosť
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

933. BIBLE
1.88 Mb
Slovenský evanjelický preklad
Slovenská biblická spoločnosť
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

934. BIBLE
2 Mb
Preklad Jozefa Roháčka AV
Autorizovaná verzia Dušana Seberíniho.
Jozef Rohachek
Jozef Roháček
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

935. BIBLE
1.92 Mb
RSB 1936
Svätá Biblia v preklade Jozefa Roháčka
Roháček Slovakian Bible
Jozef Rohachek
Jozef Roháček
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

936. BIBLE
1.99 Mb
SEB 2008
Slovenský ekumenický preklad
Slovak Ecumenical Translation
Slovenská biblická spoločnosť
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

61 slovenski jezik - Slovene

  937. BIBLE
2.25 Mb
EKU 1974-2017
Ekumenska izdaja
Ecumenical Edition
United Bible Societies
the last time the module was changed: 23.10.2018.

938. BIBLE
1.88 Mb
SSV 2008
Sveto Pismo
Slovenian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

62 slovenčina - Slovak

  939. BIBLE - Catholic
2.37 Mb
Sväté Písmo – katolícky preklad
Slovak catholic translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Spolok Svätého Vojtecha, Trnava
the last time the module was changed: 31.01.2018.

940. BIBLE
2.3 Mb
SkBotek 2015
Dobrá kniha — Botekov preklad
ThDr Anton Botek
the last time the module was changed: 31.01.2018.

941. BIBLE
2.02 Mb
SLB 1936-1937
Biblia – Evanjelický preklad
Tranoscius a. s.
the last time the module was changed: 31.01.2018.

63 slovenski jezik - Slovene

  Some books
942. Some books
227 Kb
ŽJ 2015
Življenje z Jezusom
Bible Society of Slovenia
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

New Testament
943. New Testament
544 Kb
JUB 1990
Jubilejni prevod Nove zaveze
United Bible Societies
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

944. New Testament
610 Kb
ZNZ 2014
Živa Nova zaveza
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

945. New Testament
648 Kb
PREK 1928
Prekmurska NZ & Psalmi
Bible Society of Slovenia
the last time the module was changed: 24.11.2017.

64 slovenčina - Slovak

  946. New Testament
488 Kb
SkRom 2014
Rómska Nová zmluva
Word for the World International
the last time the module was changed: 31.01.2018.

947. New Testament
536 Kb
NPK 1993
Nádej pre kazdého
the last time the module was changed: 31.01.2018.


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Copyright Ing. Milan Čondák 20.12.2018