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      Adventní verze TMLookup
 04  TMLookup_1.5_win_fixed

Aktualizace softwaru  


You can specify general settings for the lookup tool in this file. 
Just enter a value in the [] 
and save the file to make a change, or change back to [] 
to restore the default.
Default database: []
Always set active database as default (if set to y, the last db is always opened at startup;
 otherwise, you can specify above which db should be opened at startup): [y]

Quick access database 1 (F1): []
Quick access database 2 (F2): []
Quick access database 3 (F3): []
Quick access database 4 (F4): []
Quick access database 5 (F5): []
Quick access database 6 (F6): []
Quick access database 7 (F7): []
Quick access database 8 (F8): []

Žádné parametry jsem nenastavil a nešlo vytvořit projekt.  



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Copyright Ing. Milan Čondák 04.01.2016