msgInProgress |
0 |
Command in progress |
msgEndJob |
1 |
Command done ("No error") |
msgBreaked |
2 |
Command was interrupted |
msgNotStarted |
3 |
The timeout to execute this command is exceeded |
msgTMNotAssigned |
4 |
Command not started |
msgTMNotIndexed |
5 |
TM not assigned to account |
msgTMNotOpen |
6 |
TM must be reorganized |
msgNotConnected |
7 |
Database is not opened |
msgInvalidLicense |
8 |
License is not valid |
msgInvalidWkSpace |
9 |
WorkSpace not supported |
msgInvalidClient |
10 |
Unknown client |
msgAlreadyInUse |
11 |
Already in use |
msgNotOnSelf |
12 |
Cannot perform action on yourself |
msgNotAdmin |
13 |
You are not an Administrator |
msgNetCmdInterdit |
14 |
Internal command |
msgNotAlone |
15 |
You are not alone |
msgInterdit |
16 |
Not authorized |
msgAlreadyConnected |
17 |
Already connected |
msgErrTCPIP |
18 |
Error TCP/IP |
msgTMLocked |
19 |
TM is Locked |
msgMemCrash |
20 |
Crash memory |
msgTMUsedProcess |
21 |
TM used by process |
msgTMNotExist |
22 |
TM not exist |
msgMaxUserDone |
23 |
Max users done |
msgMustBeCrypted |
24 |
Only in encrypted mode |
msgUserDisabled |
25 |
User disabled |
msgBadPassw |
26 |
Bad password |
msgAccountNotDefined |
27 |
Account not defined |
msgWkSNotDefined |
28 |
WkSpace not defined |
msgServerFull |
29 |
FIFO Server full |
msgNotExist |
30 |
Not exist |
msgAlreadyExist |
31 |
Already exist |
msgInvalidParam |
32 |
Invalid parameter(s) |
msgTUnotDeleted |
33 |
TU not deleted |
msgBadPointer |
34 |
Bad pointer |
msgOldIndex |
35 |
Old Index |
msgIsNotTU |
36 |
Not a valid TU |
msgServerLocked |
37 |
Server is locked |
msgNoLangID |
38 |
Language pair not defined |
msgAccountNotActived |
39 |
Account not actived |
msgGlossaryAlreadyOpen |
40 |
Glossary file already open |
msgGlossaryNotExist |
41 |
Glossary file does not exists |
msgTimeOut |
42 |
Time out |
msgBadURL |
43 |
Bad URL |
msgNoGroupID |
44 |
Workgroup ID not defined |
msgWkgIdOrLangViolation |
45 |
Workgroup ID or Language violation |
msgGlossaryNotIndexed |
46 |
Glossary is not indexed or reorganized |
msgGlossaryLocked |
47 |
Glossary is locked |
msgGlossaryNotOpen |
48 |
Glosary is not open |
msgGlossaryNotDefined |
49 |
Glossary is not defined |
msgGlossaryNotAssigned |
50 |
Glossary is not assigned to account |
msgNotInLiteMode |
51 |
Forbidden in demo mode |
msgInvalidEntry |
52 |
Invalid entry |
msgConfirmation |
53 |
Confirmation request |
msgInvalidCmd |
54 |
Invalid command |
msgInsuffisantParameters |
55 |
Insufficient parameters |
msgNoTargetIndex |
56 |
Server version does not support target index |