Found in the TM (C:\WF\3muzi_cele_en_cs_TM.txt)              TM Sibling TM


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:43:37 by +A! 

We fastened the so - called boat together with some pieces of string, got a bit of wall - paper and pasted over the shabbier places, said our prayers, and stepped on board.

Svázali jsme takzvaný člun provazem, přinesli kus tapety, zalepili jím chatrnější místa, pomodlili se a vstoupili na palubu.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:43:56 by +A! 

Cold veal pie, when you don't feel hungry, is apt to cloy.

Studená telecí paštika, nemáte - li hlad, se vám oškliví.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:43:08 by +A! 

They are fairly water - tight; and so long as they are handled with care, they rarely come to pieces, or sink.

Nepropouštějí příliš mnoho vody, a zacházíte - li s nimi opatrně, málokdy se vám rozpadnou nebo se potopí.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:41:06 by +A! 

We thought it strange and unaccountable that a stuffed trout should break up into little pieces like that.

Připadalo nám divné a nevysvětlitelné, že se vycpaný pstruh mohl rozbit na tak drobné kousky.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:31:59 by +A! 

Here, catch hold of the pie. "

Tu máš, podrž paštiku. "


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:31:60 by +A! 

And out of the middle of the earth, as it seemed to us, rose the pie - very much mixed up and damaged; and, after it, scrambled Harris - tumbled, grubby, and wet.

A z útrob země, jak se nám zdálo, se vynořila paštika, velmi smíchaná s hlínou a deformovaná.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:32:52 by +A! 

There were half a pork pie and a bit of cold boiled bacon left, and we put them in.

Našli jsme ještě půlku vepřové paštiky a zbytek studené vařené slaniny - dali jsme to tam také.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:31:42 by +A! 

Harris had the beefsteak pie between his knees, and was carving it, and George and I were waiting with our plates ready.

Harris držel mezi koleny hovězí paštiku a krájel ji, Jiří a já jsme čekali s připravenými talíři.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:31:45 by +A! 

When we looked round again, Harris and the pie were gone!

Když jsme se zase otočili zpět, Harris zmizel i s paštikou.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:31:51 by +A! 

"They' d hardly have taken the pie too," said George.

" Sotva by tam s ním vzali i paštiku, " odpověděl Jiří.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:31:54 by +A! 

And then he added, with a touch of sadness in his voice : "I wish he hadn't been carving that pie. "

Potom dodal s nádechem smutku v hlase : " Kdyby alespoň nebyl krájel tu paštiku. "


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:27:07 by +A! 

Earl Godwin broke a piece of bread and held it in his hand.

Earl Godwin ulomil kousek chleba a držel jej v ruce.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:20:26 by +A! 

Ten minutes go by, and the first man gives a yell and goes mad, and dances on the rope, and tries to pull it straight by seizing hold of the first piece that comes to his hand and hauling at it.

Uplyne deset minut a první muž vyrazí výkřik a zešílí, tančí po lanu a snaží se je narovnat tím, že je chytí, kde ho právě napadne, a začne tahat.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:15:24 by +A! 

Somebody, in walking about with a plate of beef - steak pie, tripped up over a root, and sent the pie flying.

Někdo šel kolem s mísou hovězí paštiky, zakopl o kořen a paštika vyletěla z mísy.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:12:13 by +A! 

The balusters were a superb piece of workmanship, and the wall all the way up was oak - panelled, with carving that would have done credit to a palace.

Zábradlí bylo skvělým uměleckým dílem a stěna po celé cestě vzhůru byla obložena dubovými deskami s řezbami, které by byly ke cti každému paláci.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:09:02 by +A! 

It made them nervous and excited, and they stepped on things, and put things behind them, and then couldn't find them when they wanted them; and they packed the pies at the bottom, and put heavy things on top, and smashed the pies in.

Znervózňovalo a rozčilovalo je to, šlapali po věcech, kladli věci na sebe, a když je potřebovali, nemohli je najít.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:07:59 by +A! 

George suggested meat and fruit pies, cold meat, tomatoes, fruit, and green stuff.

Navrhoval masité paštiky ; koláče s ovocem, studené maso, rajská jablíčka, ovoce a zeleninu.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:06:53 by +A! 

You get methylated pie and methylated cake.

Jíte lihovou paštiku a lihové pečivo.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:06:60 by +A! 

You can't tell whether you are eating apple - pie or German sausage, or strawberries and cream.

Nemůžete říci, zda jíte jablkový koláč nebo párek nebo jahody se smetanou.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:04:38 by +A! 

The bread is two - thirds rainwater, the beefsteak - pie is exceedingly rich in it, and the jam, and the butter, and the salt, and the coffee have all combined with it to make soup.

Chléb je ze dvou třetin dešťová voda, hovězí paštika je na vodu neobyčejně bohatá a džem, máslo, sůl a káva jsou jí všechny dohromady rozředěny na polévku.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:03:28 by +A! 

It was just off Southend Pier, I recollect, and he was leaning out through one of the port - holes in a very dangerous position.

Vzpomínám si, že jsme právě minuli southendské molo, když jsem viděl, jak se nebezpečně vyklání z jednoho okénka.


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:03:35 by +A! 

"Weren't you a little shaky by Southend Pier one day, and wanted to be thrown overboard? "

Druhého dne loď ztroskotala. "


TU Created on 26 Apr 08 at 12:02:23 by +A! 

I explained to George and William Harris how I felt when I got up in the morning, and William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed; and George stood on the hearth - rug, and gave us a clever and powerful piece of acting, illustrative of how he felt in the night.

Vylíčil jsem Jiřímu a Vilému Harrisovi, jaké mám pocity, když ráno vstávám, a Vilém Harris mi řekl, jaké má pocity on, když jde spat ; a Jiří stál u krbu a vtipně a přesvědčivě nám názorně předvedl, jak mu je v noci.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\Carabao Language Kit_en_cs-cz_TM.txt)                                           TM Sibling TM


TU Created on 28 Dec 06 at 12:24:60 by +A! 

Normally, Wordfast does not segment isolated numbers, or other pieces of text that do not contain any alphabetical letter.

Normální Wordfast nesegmentuje izolované číslice nebo ostatní kousky textu, které neobsahují žádné písmeno abecedy.


TU Created on 23 Mar 08 at 12:02:08 by +A! 

Let's define a rule unit - a tag bearing any piece of grammatical data: part of speech, number contrast, gender, conjugation pattern or anything else.

Pojďme definovat pravidlo jednotku - značku nosnou nějakého /každého /žádného kusu gramatických dat: slovní druh, počítat kontrast, pohlaví, vzor konjugace nebo něco jiného.


TU Created on 22 Mar 08 at 12:09:54 by +A! 

Human languages represent the mentality of people who use them; just like the world of people, the collection of human languages is like a mosaic, a puzzle: take one piece out, and it is incomplete.

Lidské jazyky představují mentalitu lidí, kteří užívají je; právě jako svět lidí, sbírka lidských jazyků je jako mozaika, hádanka: vzít jeden kus ven, a to je neúplný.


TU Created on 22 Mar 08 at 12:22:30 by +A! 

Detect button test-drives the created structure by attempting to find it in a piece of text the user inputs.

Zjistěte tlačítko testovací jízdy vytvořená struktura pokusem o Najít to v kusu textu uživatelských vstupů.


TU Created on 28 Dec 06 at 12:26:20 by +A!  Attr.1:20061228~122232 - Attr.2:+A! - Attr.3:0 - Attr.4:EN-US

Ask yourself the question (if applicable) of whether the document(s) contains bookmarks, and if it does, what the author/client wants to do of them; whether graphics or textboxes should be translated, whether headers and footers should be translated, whether the word count is based on source, or target (translated), text, how to count tags, if any (per piece? per word? per character? at what rate?), etc.

Sám sebe se zeptejte (když je to vhodné), zda dokument obsahuje záložky a, když ano, co s nimi chce udělat autor/klient, zda je třeba překládat grafiky resp. textová okna, zda je třeba překládat záhlaví a zápatí, zda je počet slov založený na zdrojovém nebo cílovém (přeloženém) textu, jak počítat značky, k                                                                                                             At clean-up time, if colours were specified in Wordfast/Setup/General, colours are reset by applying the "Auto" colour to the entire document.


TU Created on 28 Dec 06 at 12:40:14 by +A! 

Any piece of executable code, in practically any language, is a potential virus.

Každý kus vykonavatelného kódu, prakticky v každém jazyku, je potenciální virus.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\code_Extracted_en_cz_TM.txt)


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 14:36:53 by +A! 

capability to bring these pieces of information inside the context.

způsobilost k tomu, aby přinesla tyto informace uvnitř souvislosti.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 14:14:17 by +A! 

pieces of text to create " ready" output.

kusy textu k tomu, aby vytvořil "poč připravený" výstup.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 13:34:39 by +A! 

Each piece has NUM

Každý kus má NUM


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 13:02:37 by +A! 

pieces equal to the square root of the total number of words in the

kusů rovných druhé odmocnině z celkového počtu slov v


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:60:34 by +A! 

10 is the total number of pieces.

10 je celkový počet kusů.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:59:36 by +A! 

only if they occur together in at least N corresponding pieces.

jen pokud oni vyskytují se společně v přinejmenším N odpovídající kusů.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:57:49 by +A! 

perl [{[--pieces K --lcutoff N --ucutoff M] TARGET SOURCE |--help|--version}]

vaznice [{[ - -kusy K - -lcutoff N - -ucutoff M] TARGET SOURCE | - -pomoc| - -verzi}]


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:57:57 by +A! 

N i.e. the total number of pieces.

N i.e. celkový počet kusů.-


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:02 by +A! 

'a' - The total number of times a piece of the English text contains

' ' - celkový vícekrát kus anglického textu obsahuje


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:04 by +A! 

the word X and the the corresponding piece of the French text contains

Word X a odpovídající kus francouzského textu obsahuje


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:07 by +A! 

- ~~~ 'b' - The total number of pieces containing the word X. ~~~ -

' b ' - celkový počet kusů obsahuje Word X.-


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:08 by +A! 

'c' - The total number of pieces containing the word Y.

' c ' - celkový počet kusů obsahuje Word Y.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:19 by +A! 

more number of times in the corresponding pieces are considered as

více vícekrát v odpovídajících kusech jsou považovány za


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:36 by +A! 

equal or less number of times in the corresponding pieces are

rovnající se nebo menší vícekrát v odpovídajících kusech jsou


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:46 by +A! 

--pieces K - Allows the user to specify how many pieces the source

- -kusy K - dovolí uživatele k tomu, aby specifikoval kolik kusů zdroj


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:58:51 by +A! 

pieces in which both the source text and target text are divided is

kusů v kterém oba zdrojový a cílový text je rozdělený je


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:56:09 by +A! 

languages in the parallel text will occur in almost every piece.

jazycích v paralelním textu se bude vyskytovat v téměř každém kusu.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:56:12 by +A! 

looks for word correspondences in corresponding pieces and therefore every

hledá Wordu korespondencím v odpovídající kusech a proto každý


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:56:34 by +A! 

rather be dependent on the number of pieces.

dost byl závislý na počet kusů.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:56:55 by +A! 

pieces such that each piece of the English text contains 100 words

kusů takových, že každých kusů anglického textu obsahuje 100 slova


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:56:57 by +A! 

while each piece of the French text contains 90 words.

zatímco každý kus francouzského textu obsahuje 90 slova.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:57:01 by +A! 

found that it occurs 3 times in piece 2 and 16 times in piece 8.

zjistil, že to nastává 3 krát v úkolových 2 a 16 krát v kusu 8.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:57:10 by +A! 

that it occurs 4 times in piece 2 and 17 times in piece 8.

že to nastává 4 krát v úkolových 2 a 17 krát v kusu 8.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:51 by +A! 

total number of pieces which do not contain the word "king". ~~~ 'c+d'

celkový počet kusů které neobsahuje Wordu "krále".' c+d '


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:53 by +A! 

represents the total number of pieces which do not contain the word "roi". ~~~ -

představuje celkový počet kusů které neobsahuje Wordu "roi".-


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:57 by +A! 

It represents the number of times a piece does

To představuje vícekrát kus dělá


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:59 by +A! 

not contain the word "king" and the corresponding piece does not contain

obsahuje Word "krále" a odpovídající kus neobsahuje


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:05 by +A! 

It represents the total number of pieces into which

To představuje celkový počet kusů do které


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:22 by +A! 

4.1 Number of pieces

4.1 množství kusů


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:24 by +A! 

If the number of pieces into which the text is to be divided is very large,

jestli počtu kusů do které textu je být rozdělené je velmi velké,


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:26 by +A! 

then total number of words in each piece is small and a word and its

pak celkové počet slov v každém kusu je malý a Word a jeho


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:28 by +A! 

translation may not occur in the corresponding pieces.

překlad nemusí vyskytovat se v odpovídajících kusech.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:32 by +A! 

If the number of pieces is very small, then the number of words in

If počtu kusů je velmi malý, pak počet slov v


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:34 by +A! 

each piece will be large and the basic advantage of dividing the text into

každém kusu bude velkou a základní výhodu dělení textu do


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:36 by +A! 

pieces and looking for a word and its translation into corresponding piece

kusů a hledající Word a jeho překládat do odpovídajícího kusu


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:42 by +A! 

pieces equal to the square root of the total number of word tokens in the

kusů rovných druhé odmocnině z celkového počtu Wordu znaků ve


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:43 by +A! 

For huge data the number of word tokens in each piece will therefore

For obrovském datech počtu Wordu znaků v každém kusu proto


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:55:48 by +A! 

dividing the text in pieces equal to the square root of the total number

dělením textem v kusech rovných druhé odmocnině z počtu celkového


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:32 by +A! 




TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:33 by +A! 

A piece then consists of certain number of words from the text.

Kus pak se sestává z určitého počtu slov z textu.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:37 by +A! 

a piece and represents its distribution in the form of a

kusu a představují jeho distribuci ve formě


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:39 by +A! 

k-dimensional binary vector(k is the number of pieces).

k-rozměrový dvojitý vektor(k je počet kusů).Výskyt z


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:42 by +A! 

a word in a particular piece is indicated by a value '1' in the binary

Wordu v specifickém kusu je indikovaný hodnotou ' 1 ' v dvojitém


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:46 by +A! 

of that word in the piece.

toho Wordu v kusu.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:49 by +A! 

word in a particular piece.

Wordu v specifickém kusu.


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:52 by +A! 

Consider an English word "king" to occur 5 times in piece 2 and 7 times in

měl v úmyslu anglický Word "král" vyskytovat se 5 krát v úkolových 2 a 7 krát v


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:53:54 by +A! 

pieces 8, then the binary vector for the the word "king" will be

kusech 8, pak dvojitý vektor pro Word "krále" bude


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:19 by +A! 

It represents the number of times a piece

To představuje vícekrát kus


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:21 by +A! 

contains the word "king" and the corresponding piece contains the word "roi". ~~~ -

obsahuje Word "krále" a odpovídající kus obsahuje Word "roi".-


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:25 by +A! 

It represents the total number of pieces

To představuje celkový počet kusů


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:32 by +A! 

contains the word "king" and the corresponding piece does not contain the

obsahuje Word "krále" a odpovídající kus neobsahuje


TU Created on 22 Jun 08 at 12:54:44 by +A! 

contains the word "roi" and the corresponding piece does not contain the

obsahuje Word "roi" a odpovídající kus neobsahuje


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en-cs_momegat_TM.txt)


TU Created on 27 Jan 08 at 12:06:52 by +A! 

You may be unsure whether certain strings (pieces of text) are to be translated or not.

Můžete být nejistý zda jisté řetězce (kusy textu) mají být přeložené nebo ne.


TU Created on 26 Jan 08 at 12:01:17 by +A! 

The JRE is a piece of software developed by SUN which OmegaT requires to run.

JRE je software vyvinutý firmou SUN, který mj. i OmegaT vyžaduje pro své spuštení.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en_cs_dgt1.txt)


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

the territory of the French Republic, except the overseas territories and Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Mayotte,

území Francouzské republiky s výjimkou zámořských území a Sv. Pierre a Miquelon a Mayotte,


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Saint-Pierre a Miquelon.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Accessories, spare parts and tools dispatched with a piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle, which are part of the normal equipment and included in the price thereof or which are not separately invoiced, shall be regarded as one with the piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle in question.

Příslušenství, náhradní díly a nástroje dodávané spolu se zařízením, strojem, přístrojem nebo vozidlem se považují za jeden celek se zařízením, strojem, přístrojem nebo vozidlem, pokud jsou součástí jejich běžného vybavení a jsou zahrnuty v ceně nebo nejsou fakturovány zvlášť.


TU Created on t  Jan  t at ny: s:et by CS-01 




TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Works of art, collectors' pieces or antiques (Chapter 97). 2.

výrobky kapitoly 97 (umělecká díla, sběratelské předměty a starožitnosti).


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Collectors' pieces or antiques (heading No 97.05 or 97.06);

nástroje a přístroje mající povahu sběratelských předmětů nebo starožitností (čísla 97.05 nebo 97.06).


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Collectors' pieces or antiques (heading No 97.05 or 97.06).

zbraně a střelivo mající povahu sběratelských předmětů nebo starožitností (číslo 97.05 nebo 97.06).


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Original sculptures or statuary (heading No 97.03), collectors' pieces (heading No 97.05) or antiques of an age exceeding 100 years (heading No 97.06), other than natural or cultured pearls or precious or semi-precious stones.

původní sochařská díla (číslo 97.03), sběratelské předměty (číslo 97.05) a starožitnosti starší sta let (číslo 97.06), přírodní nebo uměle pěstované perly, drahokamy a polodrahokamy však do této kapitoly patří.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Artificial flowers, foliage or fruit of pottery, stone, metal, wood or other materials, obtained in one piece by moulding, forging, carving, stamping or other process, or consisting of parts assembled otherwise than by binding, glueing, fitting into one another or similar methods.

umělé květiny, listoví nebo ovoce z keramiky, kamene, kovu, dřeva nebo jiných materiálů, zhotovené v jednom kuse litím, kováním, vyřezáváním, ražením nebo jiným procesem, anebo sestávající z částí spojených jinak než vázáním, slepením, zasazením jedné části do druhé nebo podobnými způsoby.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

The term "ensemble" means a set of garments (other than suits and articles of heading No 61.07, 61.08 or 61.09), composed of several pieces made up in identical fabric, put up for retail sale, and comprising:

Výrazem "komplet" se rozumí souprava oblečení (jiná než oděvy a výrobky čísel 61.07, 61.08 nebo 61.09) skládající se z několika kusů zhotovených ze stejné textilie, upravené pro maloobchodní prodej a zahrnující:


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

a "ski overall", that is, a one-piece garment designed to cover the upper and the lower parts of the body;

buď o "lyžařské kombinézy", tj, jednodílný oděv určeným k odění horní i dolní části těla;


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

a "ski ensemble", that is, a set of garments composed of two or three pieces, put up for retail sale and comprising:

o "lyžařské komplety", tj. soupravy skládající se ze dvou nebo tří kusů, upravené pro maloobchodní prodej a zahrnující:


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

The term "ensemble" means a set of garments (other than suits and articles of heading No 62.07 or 62.08) composed of several pieces made up in identical fabric, put up for retail sale, and comprising:

Výrazem "komplet" se rozumí souprava oblečení (jiná než oděvy a výrobky čísel 62.07 nebo 62.08) skládající se z několika kusů zhotovených ze stejné textilie, upravené pro maloobchodní prodej a zahrnující:


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Textile products in the piece, cut to length or simply cut to rectangular (including square) shape (other than those having the character of the products of headings Nos 59.08 to 59.10), the following only:

textilní výrobky v kusech, řezané na určitou délku nebo jednoduše řezané do čtvercového nebo obdélníkového tvaru, výslovně uvedené níže (kromě těch, které mají charakter výrobků čísel 59.08 až 59.10):


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

The term "suit" means a set of garments composed of two or three pieces made up in identical fabric and comprising:

se výrazem "oblek" nebo "kostým" rozumí souprava oblečení skládající se ze dvou nebo tří kusů vyrobených ze stejné textilie, pokud jde o vnější povrch, a zahrnující:


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Assembled by sewing, gumming or otherwise (other than piece goods consisting of two or more lengths of identical material joined end to end and piece goods composed of two or more textiles assembled in layers, whether or not padded);

výrobky spojené šitím, lepením nebo jiným způsobem (kromě kusového zboží sestávajícího ze dvou nebo více délek stejného materiálu spojených svými konci a kusového zboží ze dvou nebo více textilií, též podloženého nebo vycpaného);


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

has been bleached or, unless the context otherwise requires, dyed white or treated with a white dressing, in the piece;

bělené nebo, pokud není stanoveno jinak, obarvené na bílo nebo opatřené bílou úpravou v kuse;


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

is dyed a single uniform colour other than white (unless the context otherwise requires) or has been treated with a coloured finish other then white (unless the context otherwise requires), in the piece;

obarvené jinak než na bílo (pokud není stanoveno jinak) nebo opatřené v kuse jinou barevnou konečnou úpravou než bílou (pokud není stanoveno jinak);


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Edible products (other than guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, whole and pieces thereof, and animal blood, liquid or dried);

jedlé produkty (jiné než střeva, měchýře a žaludky zvířat, celé nebo jejich části, a tekutá nebo sušená zvířecí krev);


TU Created on  Feb 92 at :: by Milan Čondák 

(In all cases, the yarn used in selvedges and piece ends is not taken into consideration.)

(V žádném případě se neberou v úvahu nitě použité v krajích a na koncích kusu.);


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 




TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Except where the context otherwise requires, for the purposes of this Chapter, the expression "textile fabrics" applies only to the woven fabrics of Chapters 50 to 55 and headings Nos 58.03 and 58.06, the braids and ornamental trimmings in the piece of heading No 58.08 and the knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading No 60.02.

Není-li stanoveno jinak, výrazem "textilie" se ve smyslu této kapitoly rozumí pouze textilie kapitol 50 až 55 a čísel 58.03 a 58.06, prýmkařské výrobky a podobné ornamentální výrobky čísla 58.08 a pletené nebo háčkované textilie čísla 60.02.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Woven fabric which has been printed in the piece, whether or not made from yarns of different colours.

Tkaniny, které byly potisknuty v kuse, též z různobarevných nití.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Products containing abrasive powders remain classified within heading No 34.01 only if in the form of bars, cakes or moulded pieces or shapes.

Výrobky obsahující abrazivní prášky se zařazují do čísla 34.01 pouze, jsou-li ve formě tyček, kusů, výlisků nebo různých odlévaných tvarů.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

meerschaum (whether or not in polished pieces);

přírodní mořská pěna (též v leštěných kusech);


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

These preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of vegetables.

Tyto výrobky mohou obsahovat malé množství viditelných kousků zeleniny.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

These preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of fruit.

Tyto přípravky mohou obsahovat malé množství viditelných kousků ovoce.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Such preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of ingredients.

Tyto přípravky mohou obsahovat malé množství viditelných kousků přísad.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

These preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of meat or meat offal.

Tyto přípravky mohou obsahovat malé množství viditelných kousků masa nebo drobů.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

The pieces of plastic film or tubing should be placed in a container of borosilicate glass with 250 ml pyrogen-free distilled water obtained from an efficient still having glass condensation surfaces and collecting tubes (1).

Nařezané kousky plastové fólie nebo hadiček se vloží do nádoby z borosilikátového skla s 250 ml nepyrogenní destilované vody získané z účinného destilačního přístroje, který je vybaven skleněnými kondenzačními plochami a sběracími trubičkami [1].


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

The sample - without any printing or label on it - should be cut into pieces of not more than 10 cm2.

Vzorek, na němž není žádné písemné značení nebo etiketa, se nařeže na kousky o maximální velikosti 10 cm2.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Woven fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm, whether woven as such or cut from wider pieces, provided with selvedges (woven, gummed or otherwise made) on both edges;

osnovní a útkové tkaniny (včetně vlasových) v pásech o šířce nejvýše 30 cm, buď v takové šířce přímo tkané nebo stříhané, nebo řezané z širších kusů, na obou stranách opatřené pevnými kraji (tkanými, zalepenými nebo zpevněnými jiným způsobem);


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Collectors' pieces and objects of art consigned to galleries, museums and other institutions approved by the competent authorities of the importing country for the purpose of duty-free entry of those types of materials, on condition they are not resold.

Sběratelské a umělecké předměty uložené ve veřejných galeriích, muzeích a jiných veřejných institucích schválených příslušnými orgány dovozního státu k bezcelnímu dovozu těchto druhů materiálů za podmínky, že nebudou znovu prodány.


TU Created on 01 Feb 08 at 08:59:22 by Milan Čondák 

Works of art and collectors' pieces of an educational, scientific or cultural character

Umělecká díla a sběratelské předměty vzdělávacího, vědeckého a kulturního charakteru


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en_cs_tranexp_tm.txt)


TU Created on 03 Dec 06 at 10:19:34 by MČ 

I fact, there is another piece of software that is full of bugs me and others are very familiar with.

Tvrdím, že existuje jiný kus softwaru, který je plný chyb, o kterých já a ostatní víme.


TU Created on 03 Dec 06 at 10:19:34 by MČ 

I fact, there is another piece of software that is full



Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en_cs_wfsimerka_tm.txt)


TU Created on 28 Dec 06 at 12:40:14 by +A! 

Any piece of executable code, in practically any language, is a potential virus.

Každý kus vykonavatelného kódu, prakticky v každém jazyku, je potenciální virus.


TU Created on 28 Dec 06 at 12:26:20 by +A! 

Ask yourself the question (if applicable) of whether the document(s) contains bookmarks, and if it does, what the author/client wants to do of them; whether graphics or textboxes should be translated, whether headers and footers should be translated, whether the word count is based on source, or target (translated), text, how to count tags, if any (per piece? per word? per character? at what rate?), etc.

Sám sebe se zeptejte (když je to vhodné), zda dokument obsahuje záložky a, když ano, co s nimi chce udělat autor/klient, zda je třeba překládat grafiky resp. textová okna, zda je třeba překládat záhlaví a zápatí, zda je počet slov založený na zdrojovém nebo cílovém (přeloženém) textu, jak počítat značky, když jsou nějaké (podle jednoho kusu? podle jednoho slova? podle jednoho znaku? za jakou hodnotu?), atd.


TU Created on 28 Dec 06 at 12:24:60 by +A! 

Normally, Wordfast does not segment isolated numbers, or other pieces of text that do not contain any alphabetical letter.

Normální Wordfast nesegmentuje izolované číslice nebo ostatní kousky textu, které neobsahují žádné písmeno abecedy.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en_sk_omegat_TM.txt)


TU Created on 29 Jan 08 at 17:07:01 by Milan Čondák 

Thanks to Somik Raha, Derrick Oswald and &tA;all the HTMLParser contributors&tB; for writing this amazing piece of software.

Vďaka Somikovi Rahaovi, Derrickovi Oswaldovi a &tA;všetkým prispievateľom aplikácie HTMLParser&tB; za napísanie tohto úžasného kusu softvéru.


TU Created on 29 Jan 08 at 17:07:01 by Milan Čondák 

A translation memory program, a &tA;Computer Assisted Translation(CAT)&tB; tool, is used during the translation of documents and assists the translator by storing pieces of text in a database (i.e. the translation memory) so that when the same piece of text (a segment) or a part of it is next encountered it is immediately visible as to how it was previously translated.

Program prekladovaj pamäte, nástroj pre &tA;Preklad Podporovaný počítačom (Computer Assisted Translation - CAT)&tB;, sa používa počas prekladu dokumentov a asistuje prekladateľovi ukladaním kúskov textu do databázy (tj. prekladovej pamäte) tak, že keď sa rovnaký kúsok textu (segment) alebo časť z neho objaví nabudúce je ihneď viditeľné ako bol predtým preložený.


TU Created on 29 Jan 08 at 17:07:01 by Milan Čondák 

Thanks to Somik Raha, Derrick Oswald and all the HTMLParser contributors for writing this amazing piece of software.

Vďaka Somikovi Rahaovi, Derrickovi Oswaldovi a všetkým prispievateľom aplikácie HTMLParser za napísanie tohto úžasného kusu softvéru.


TU Created on 29 Jan 08 at 17:07:01 by Milan Čondák 

A translation memory program, a Computer Assisted Translation(CAT) tool, is used during the translation of documents and assists the translator by storing pieces of text in a database (i.e. the translation memory) so that when the same piece of text (a segment) or a part of it is next encountered it is immediately visible as to how it was previously translated.

Program prekladovaj pamäte, nástroj pre Preklad Podporovaný počítačom (Computer Assisted Translation - CAT), sa používa počas prekladu dokumentov a asistuje prekladateľovi ukladaním kúskov textu do databázy (tj. prekladovej pamäte) tak, že keď sa rovnaký kúsok textu (segment) alebo časť z neho objaví nabudúce je ihneď viditeľné ako bol predtým preložený.


TU Created on 29 Jan 08 at 17:07:01 by Milan Čondák 

File filters are pieces of code capable of:

Filtre súborov sú kusy kódu schopné:


TU Created on 29 Jan 08 at 17:07:01 by Milan Čondák 

When OmegaT displays this string to the user, it automatically adds numbers or pieces of text instead of the {0}, the {1} or the {2}.

Keď OmegaT zobrazí tento reťazec používateľovi, automaticky pridá čísla alebo kúsky textu namiesto {0}, {1} alebo {2}.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en_zhs_1_1.txt)


TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:48:38 by a  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated



TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:51:45 by a  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration.

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:54 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)&tD;



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; no labels, only coloured features (single piece)&tD;"



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:22:08 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Note:&tB;If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:16 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels&tB;



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece (latest inspection)&tB; - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.

"&t= ;单报告(最近的检查)&t=;"{&t= ; }"  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:56 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece (from Reporting database)&tB; - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.

"&t= ;多报告(从报告数据库)&t=;"{&t= ; }"  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。"


TU Created on 14 May 06 at 10:37:46 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Pierce (Line&tB;-&tC;Plane, Line&tD;-&tE;Cylinder, Line&tF;-&tG;Cone, Line&tH;-&tI;Sphere)&tJ; - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."

"&tA;穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-)&tB; - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE命令。"


TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:52:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Calibrated Tables Angles dialog box to select a previously calibrated nominal angle for an indexing or Piesler rotary table.



TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:54:38 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated"



TU Created on 10 May 06 at 15:24:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Note:&tB;If the CMM is configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."



TU Created on 09 May 06 at 15:22:05 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Fitting points&tB; - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.

&tA;拟合点&tB; - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:06:18 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Text Label &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.

&tA;文本标签&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:03 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Contour Colour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tE;Tolerance Colours tab page&tF;.

&tA;轮廓颜色 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在&tE;公差颜色选项卡&tF;上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Full Contour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.

&tA;全轮廓 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:52 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;On Model &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.

&tA;模型上&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:06:47 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single Piece Style Label dialog



TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:34 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece reporting&tB;



TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:47 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece (statistical) reporting&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:26 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece report with text labels&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:49 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece report with text labels&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:13:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece report with 'on model' labels&tB;

&tA; 在模型上 标签的单个报告&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:15:11 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece reports with chart labels&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 13:48:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece reports only&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 11:51:36 by CL 

&tA;Single piece (from



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:07 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Labels for single piece reports are shown in colour.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:39 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:02 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click New List, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:11 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click Model/Label, click New Model/Label, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click on a main or list area you wish to edit, click Edit Area from the toolbar, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:04:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Search Criteria dialog box to configure the start and end search criteria for producing single piece or multiple piece reports from the reporting database selected on the Data Source tab page.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:15:04 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Filters tab page to apply filters to the inspection data from the selected single piece data source.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece (latest inspection) - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.

单报告(最近的检查)  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data for a single run of the DMIS program.

单报告(从报告数据库)  允许您使用DMIS程序单次运行的检测数据。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:04 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.

多报告(从报告数据库)  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:35 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single-piece reports from the inspection database, the database name is the same as the .dmi program name."

对于检测数据库中的单报告,这个数据库的名称就是 .dmi 程序的名称。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:37:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece reports only



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:38:21 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"If the boxes in this section are checked, the information is displayed in the report header of multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:25 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the QIS Header tab page to select QIS (Quality Information System) items from your single piece inspection and place them in the report header.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:45 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

This option is available if the selected data source for the header is single piece or none.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:18:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"If you have checked the Suppress user text box on the Single Piece Style Label tab page, the text is not displayed."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:19:36 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For multiple piece graphical reports, the tolerances are also listed."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece) The contour report has labels with leader lines to the reported features.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - labels (and lines) and coloured features.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece) The contour report has no labels for the features."

轮廓报告-没有标签,只有着色的特征(单报告) 这个轮廓报告没有用于特征的标签。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - no labels, only coloured features."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:43:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece report with 'on model' labels Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the model.

带有 没有模型 标签的单报告 显示标签被接近地定位在模型上的已报告特征。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:44:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece reports with chart labels Show the reported features with labels containing graphical information presented according to how you have defined the label style and dimensions.

带有图表标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含根据您如何定义标签样式和尺寸而呈现的图形信息。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:12 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"You can create graphical labels for multiple piece reports to display graphical data in formats including X Bar, X Bar R, Run Charts, Pareto Charts, etc."

您可以为多个报告创建图形标签来以 X BarX Bar R、运行图表、Pareto 图表等格式显示图形数据。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of chart labels, and select the appropriate format on the Stats Graphical Label dialog box."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:22 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:31 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态文本样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:50:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Example of a text label from a single piece report showing data for a circle feature.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:55:34 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:56:58 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:57:45 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"To produce a box and whisker report, use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:02:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

X Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:27 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Run Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:01 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

X Bar R Chart Label (Graph 1 and 2) from a Multiple Piece Report

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(图形12


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

X Bar R Chart Label (Histogram) from a Multiple Piece Report

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(柱状图)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:05:20 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:

Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:26 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Start criteria are available for multiple piece reports, and allow you to select the start of a range of inspections, i.e. the oldest inspection you wish to report on from a range of inspections."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:36 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

End criteria are available for multiple piece and single piece reports.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For multiple piece reports, they allow you to select the end of a range of inspections, i.e. the most recent inspection you wish to report on."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single piece reports, they allow you to select the inspection you wish to report on."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:29:21 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:30:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single piece reports, you can choose to report on a subset of the features in the inspection."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:31:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single piece reports, you can choose to report only features in the inspection that have QIS items associated with them."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:24 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

The report types available depend on whether you select a single piece or multiple piece data source on the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Single piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing feature data on a single component, and leader lines from the labels to the associated features on the model."

带文本标签的单个报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含一个单个构件的特征数据,并显示这些标签中的指引线到模型上的相关特征。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:26 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use a data source of single piece and a report type of text labels.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Text Label from a Single Piece Report&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Example of a Single Piece Report&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:37:08 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Multiple piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing statistical data such as mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."

带有文本标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含对一个工件类型的特征多次检测的统计数据,如平均值、最大值/最小值、标准偏差。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:16:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"

"在这个区域对话框上的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; , 选择一个单报告数据来源:"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:05 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"To report on the inspection in the inspection database (i.e. on the most recent run of the part program), select Single piece (latest inspection), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"To report on a single inspection from the reporting database, select Single piece (from Reporting database), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:22:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"

在这个区域对话框中的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; 选择多报告数据来源,并选择服务器、数据库和程序:


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:25:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:09 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)

&tA;使用一个QIS 筛选器来筛选您的特征数据&tB;(单报告)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Search criteria can be applied to data from a reporting database, for single piece and multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:40:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"On the Data Source tab page, ensure None or Single piece is selected."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:41:06 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

You cannot add QIS information to headers in multiple piece reports.



TU Created on mu Jan r  at ti:pl:e  by ZH-01 




TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:34:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:43:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use the Stats Graphical Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:46:11 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:50:53 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use the Stats Graphical Style Label tab page to define the style of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:51:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:04:46 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"These are then used to show tolerance bands in contour reports, and to indicate tolerances in report labels, where the colour of the text indicates the tolerance (for single piece reports printing to a colour printer)."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:57:13 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:59:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Dimension, click Create"

选项菜单,选择标签,在下拉列表中选择文本标签   单报告,选择尺寸,点击创建


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:05:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:07:16 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Style, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:19:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Stats Text Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece report.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:20:06 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece reporting



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&fA;Single piece reports contain data on a single component.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece (statistical) reporting



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:29 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&fA;Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:50:52 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;单报告标签   创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:51:15 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;单报告样式标签   创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:40:40 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"In the Report Labels dialog box, Text Label - Single Piece is selected in the upper drop-down list."



TU Created on 09 May 05 at 14:53:12 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:58:57 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Text Label - Single Piece.

文本标签   单报告。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:43:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Text Label - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.

文本标签   单报告 显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Contour Colour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tA;Tolerance Colours tab page&tB;.

轮廓颜色   单报告 根据在 &tA;公差颜色选项卡&tB; 上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Full Contour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.

全轮廓   单报告 根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:41 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

On Model - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.

模型上   单报告 显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。


TU Created on 04 May 05 at 13:06:12 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

Fitting points - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.

拟合点 - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。


TU Created on 12 Apr 05 at 15:43:49 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use the Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog box to modify the command that uses a piece of CAD geometry to define a scan path.



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 15:53:54 by L  Attr.1:EL

"If the CMM is configured for indexing or Piesler rotary tables, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 14:28:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for calibrating a continuous rotary table first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 校正一个连续转台 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 13:20:06 by L  Attr.1:EL

Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box or the Constant Report dialog box.



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:35:12 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box

单报告标签   建立标签对话框


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:36:16 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:55:51 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.



TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:01:10 by L  Attr.1:EL

Text Label - Single Piece

文本标签 - 单报告


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:02:41 by L  Attr.1:EL

Contour Colour - Single Piece

轮廓颜色 - 单报告


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:04:36 by L  Attr.1:EL

Full Contour - Single Piece

全轮廓 - 单报告


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:07:22 by L  Attr.1:EL

On Model - Single Piece

模型上 - 单报告


TU Created on 25 Feb 05 at 11:18:38 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

The algorithm requires two further pieces of information for each feature:



TU Created on 22 Feb 05 at 14:48:40 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

"Pierce (Line-Plane, Line-Cylinder, Line-Cone, Line-Sphere) - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."

"穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-) - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command"


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 14:55:27 by L  Attr.1:EL

Labels for multiple piece reports are shown in black-and-white.



TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 11:26:42 by L  Attr.1:EL

"If you do not specify start and end criteria, the most recent inspection in the reporting database is used for a single piece report, and all inspections in the reporting database are used for multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:21:08 by L  Attr.1:EL

"On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"

"在这个区域对话框上的 数据源选项卡 , 选择一个单个数据源:"


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:46:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

"On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"

在这个区域对话框中的 数据源选项卡 选择多个数据源,并选择您想从其中报告的服务器、数据库和程序:


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:12:47 by L  Attr.1:EL

Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)

使用公差子集来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:13:21 by L  Attr.1:EL

Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)

使用一个QIS 过滤器来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:37:02 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single piece report with text labels



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:39:54 by L  Attr.1:EL

Text Label from a Single Piece Report



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:42:15 by L  Attr.1:EL

Example of a Single Piece Report



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:50:49 by L  Attr.1:EL

Multiple piece report with text labels



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:53:52 by L  Attr.1:EL

Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:43:44 by L  Attr.1:EL

Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:48:41 by L  Attr.1:EL

"Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece)"



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:55:03 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single piece report with 'on model' labels



TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 08:30:47 by L  Attr.1:EL

Multiple piece reports with chart labels



TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 09:07:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels



TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 14:03:13 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box

单报告样式标签   建立标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:03:43 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:15:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:24:07 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 13:11:30 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single piece reports contain data on a single component.



TU Created on 30 Dec 04 at 09:15:10 by L  Attr.1:EL

This field is greyed out and set to 1 for single piece reports.



TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 14:31:15 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use a data source of single piece and a report type of on model labels.



TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 15:22:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

Example of a text label from a multiple piece report showing statistical data for a feature over a number of inspection runs (15 in this example).



TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 09:01:01 by L  Attr.1:EL

"You can repeat this process to create labels for multiple piece textual reports and for graphical reports, by first selecting the appropriate report type in the Report Labels dialog box."



TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 12:07:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态文本样式标签(多报告)  建立标签对话框


TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:27:59 by L  Attr.1:EL

"Your Studio report can combine single piece and multiple piece reporting in the same report, with title and summary pages."



TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:34:23 by L  Attr.1:EL

"When creating a single piece report, data can be obtained either from the inspection database, in which case the data is obtained from the last inspection run, or from a reporting database, in which case the last inspection run or a previous (specified) inspection run can be used."



TU Created on 25 Dec 04 at 11:24:53 by L  Attr.1:EL

"Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."



TU Created on 25 Dec 04 at 12:52:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

This means you will be creating labels for single piece textual reports.



TU Created on 15 Dec 04 at 09:06:06 by L  Attr.1:EL

The leading edge and trailing edge points are defined as the point where the mean chord line pierces the surface of the profile.



TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:30:46 by C  Attr.1:EL

Creates a new list box that can contain single or multi-piece feature results in a continuous area.



TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C  Attr.1:EL

From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inntation to toggle the report pages between portrait and landscape.

点击这个报告选项按钮并选择页面定向来切换这个报告页面于portrait and landscape之间。


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C  Attr.1:EL

From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inspection) option.



TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:41:35 by C  Attr.1:EL

"For single piece reports, you can choose to r20041025~083404"



TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:03:16 by C  Attr.1:EL

For multiple piece reports (selectable from the previous tab) other options are available.



Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\en_zhs_tm1_4.txt)


TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:48:38 by a  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated



TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:51:45 by a  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration.

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:54 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)&tD;



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; no labels, only coloured features (single piece)&tD;"



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:22:08 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Note:&tB;If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:16 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels&tB;



TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece (latest inspection)&tB; - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.

"&t= ;单报告(最近的检查)&t=;"{&t= ; }"  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:56 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece (from Reporting database)&tB; - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.

"&t= ;多报告(从报告数据库)&t=;"{&t= ; }"  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。"


TU Created on 14 May 06 at 10:37:46 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Pierce (Line&tB;-&tC;Plane, Line&tD;-&tE;Cylinder, Line&tF;-&tG;Cone, Line&tH;-&tI;Sphere)&tJ; - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."

"&tA;穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-)&tB; - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE命令。"


TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:52:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Calibrated Tables Angles dialog box to select a previously calibrated nominal angle for an indexing or Piesler rotary table.



TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:54:38 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated"



TU Created on 10 May 06 at 15:24:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;Note:&tB;If the CMM is configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."



TU Created on 09 May 06 at 15:22:05 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Fitting points&tB; - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.

&tA;拟合点&tB; - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:06:18 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Text Label &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.

&tA;文本标签&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:03 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Contour Colour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tE;Tolerance Colours tab page&tF;.

&tA;轮廓颜色 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在&tE;公差颜色选项卡&tF;上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Full Contour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.

&tA;全轮廓 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:52 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;On Model &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.

&tA;模型上&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:06:47 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single Piece Style Label dialog



TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:34 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece reporting&tB;



TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:47 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece (statistical) reporting&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:26 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece report with text labels&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:49 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece report with text labels&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:13:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single piece report with 'on model' labels&tB;

&tA; 在模型上 标签的单个报告&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:15:11 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece reports with chart labels&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 13:48:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Multiple piece reports only&tB;



TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 11:51:36 by CL 

&tA;Single piece (from



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:07 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Labels for single piece reports are shown in colour.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:39 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:02 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click New List, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:11 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click Model/Label, click New Model/Label, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click on a main or list area you wish to edit, click Edit Area from the toolbar, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:04:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Search Criteria dialog box to configure the start and end search criteria for producing single piece or multiple piece reports from the reporting database selected on the Data Source tab page.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:15:04 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Filters tab page to apply filters to the inspection data from the selected single piece data source.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece (latest inspection) - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.

单报告(最近的检查)  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data for a single run of the DMIS program.

单报告(从报告数据库)  允许您使用DMIS程序单次运行的检测数据。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:04 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.

多报告(从报告数据库)  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:35 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single-piece reports from the inspection database, the database name is the same as the .dmi program name."

对于检测数据库中的单报告,这个数据库的名称就是 .dmi 程序的名称。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:37:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece reports only



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:38:21 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"If the boxes in this section are checked, the information is displayed in the report header of multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:25 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the QIS Header tab page to select QIS (Quality Information System) items from your single piece inspection and place them in the report header.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:45 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

This option is available if the selected data source for the header is single piece or none.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:18:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"If you have checked the Suppress user text box on the Single Piece Style Label tab page, the text is not displayed."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:19:36 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For multiple piece graphical reports, the tolerances are also listed."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece) The contour report has labels with leader lines to the reported features.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - labels (and lines) and coloured features.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece) The contour report has no labels for the features."

轮廓报告-没有标签,只有着色的特征(单报告) 这个轮廓报告没有用于特征的标签。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - no labels, only coloured features."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:43:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece report with 'on model' labels Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the model.

带有 没有模型 标签的单报告 显示标签被接近地定位在模型上的已报告特征。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:44:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece reports with chart labels Show the reported features with labels containing graphical information presented according to how you have defined the label style and dimensions.

带有图表标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含根据您如何定义标签样式和尺寸而呈现的图形信息。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:12 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"You can create graphical labels for multiple piece reports to display graphical data in formats including X Bar, X Bar R, Run Charts, Pareto Charts, etc."

您可以为多个报告创建图形标签来以 X BarX Bar R、运行图表、Pareto 图表等格式显示图形数据。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of chart labels, and select the appropriate format on the Stats Graphical Label dialog box."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:22 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:31 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态文本样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:50:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Example of a text label from a single piece report showing data for a circle feature.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:55:34 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:56:58 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:57:45 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"To produce a box and whisker report, use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:02:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

X Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:27 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Run Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:01 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

X Bar R Chart Label (Graph 1 and 2) from a Multiple Piece Report

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(图形12


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

X Bar R Chart Label (Histogram) from a Multiple Piece Report

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(柱状图)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:05:20 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:

Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:26 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Start criteria are available for multiple piece reports, and allow you to select the start of a range of inspections, i.e. the oldest inspection you wish to report on from a range of inspections."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:36 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

End criteria are available for multiple piece and single piece reports.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For multiple piece reports, they allow you to select the end of a range of inspections, i.e. the most recent inspection you wish to report on."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single piece reports, they allow you to select the inspection you wish to report on."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:29:21 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:30:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single piece reports, you can choose to report on a subset of the features in the inspection."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:31:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"For single piece reports, you can choose to report only features in the inspection that have QIS items associated with them."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:24 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

The report types available depend on whether you select a single piece or multiple piece data source on the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Single piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing feature data on a single component, and leader lines from the labels to the associated features on the model."

带文本标签的单个报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含一个单个构件的特征数据,并显示这些标签中的指引线到模型上的相关特征。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:26 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use a data source of single piece and a report type of text labels.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Text Label from a Single Piece Report&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Example of a Single Piece Report&tB;



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:37:08 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Multiple piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing statistical data such as mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."

带有文本标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含对一个工件类型的特征多次检测的统计数据,如平均值、最大值/最小值、标准偏差。


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:16:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"

"在这个区域对话框上的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; , 选择一个单报告数据来源:"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:05 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"To report on the inspection in the inspection database (i.e. on the most recent run of the part program), select Single piece (latest inspection), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"To report on a single inspection from the reporting database, select Single piece (from Reporting database), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:22:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"

在这个区域对话框中的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; 选择多报告数据来源,并选择服务器、数据库和程序:


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:25:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:09 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)

&tA;使用一个QIS 筛选器来筛选您的特征数据&tB;(单报告)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Search criteria can be applied to data from a reporting database, for single piece and multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:40:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"On the Data Source tab page, ensure None or Single piece is selected."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:41:06 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

You cannot add QIS information to headers in multiple piece reports.



TU Created on mu Jan r  at ti:pl:e  by ZH-01 




TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:34:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:43:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use the Stats Graphical Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:46:11 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:50:53 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Use the Stats Graphical Style Label tab page to define the style of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:51:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:04:46 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"These are then used to show tolerance bands in contour reports, and to indicate tolerances in report labels, where the colour of the text indicates the tolerance (for single piece reports printing to a colour printer)."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:57:13 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:59:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Dimension, click Create"

选项菜单,选择标签,在下拉列表中选择文本标签   单报告,选择尺寸,点击创建


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:05:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:07:16 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Style, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:19:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Use the Stats Text Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece report.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:20:06 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create"



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Single piece reporting



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&fA;Single piece reports contain data on a single component.



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Multiple piece (statistical) reporting



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:29 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&fA;Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."



TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:50:52 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;单报告标签   创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:51:15 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;

&tA;单报告样式标签   创建标签对话框&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:40:40 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"In the Report Labels dialog box, Text Label - Single Piece is selected in the upper drop-down list."



TU Created on 09 May 05 at 14:53:12 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:58:57 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Text Label - Single Piece.

文本标签   单报告。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:43:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Text Label - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.

文本标签   单报告 显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Contour Colour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tA;Tolerance Colours tab page&tB;.

轮廓颜色   单报告 根据在 &tA;公差颜色选项卡&tB; 上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

Full Contour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.

全轮廓   单报告 根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:41 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

On Model - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.

模型上   单报告 显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。


TU Created on 04 May 05 at 13:06:12 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

Fitting points - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.

拟合点 - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。


TU Created on 12 Apr 05 at 15:43:49 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use the Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog box to modify the command that uses a piece of CAD geometry to define a scan path.



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 15:53:54 by L  Attr.1:EL

"If the CMM is configured for indexing or Piesler rotary tables, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 14:28:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for calibrating a continuous rotary table first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 校正一个连续转台 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 13:20:06 by L  Attr.1:EL

Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box or the Constant Report dialog box.



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:35:12 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box

单报告标签   建立标签对话框


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:36:16 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.



TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:55:51 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.



TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:01:10 by L  Attr.1:EL

Text Label - Single Piece

文本标签 - 单报告


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:02:41 by L  Attr.1:EL

Contour Colour - Single Piece

轮廓颜色 - 单报告


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:04:36 by L  Attr.1:EL

Full Contour - Single Piece

全轮廓 - 单报告


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:07:22 by L  Attr.1:EL

On Model - Single Piece

模型上 - 单报告


TU Created on 25 Feb 05 at 11:18:38 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

The algorithm requires two further pieces of information for each feature:



TU Created on 22 Feb 05 at 14:48:40 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

"Pierce (Line-Plane, Line-Cylinder, Line-Cone, Line-Sphere) - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."

"穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-) - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command"


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 14:55:27 by L  Attr.1:EL

Labels for multiple piece reports are shown in black-and-white.



TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 11:26:42 by L  Attr.1:EL

"If you do not specify start and end criteria, the most recent inspection in the reporting database is used for a single piece report, and all inspections in the reporting database are used for multiple piece reports."



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:21:08 by L  Attr.1:EL

"On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"

"在这个区域对话框上的 数据源选项卡 , 选择一个单个数据源:"


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:46:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

"On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"

在这个区域对话框中的 数据源选项卡 选择多个数据源,并选择您想从其中报告的服务器、数据库和程序:


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:12:47 by L  Attr.1:EL

Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)

使用公差子集来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:13:21 by L  Attr.1:EL

Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)

使用一个QIS 过滤器来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:37:02 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single piece report with text labels



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:39:54 by L  Attr.1:EL

Text Label from a Single Piece Report



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:42:15 by L  Attr.1:EL

Example of a Single Piece Report



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:50:49 by L  Attr.1:EL

Multiple piece report with text labels



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:53:52 by L  Attr.1:EL

Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:43:44 by L  Attr.1:EL

Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:48:41 by L  Attr.1:EL

"Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece)"



TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:55:03 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single piece report with 'on model' labels



TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 08:30:47 by L  Attr.1:EL

Multiple piece reports with chart labels



TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 09:07:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels



TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 14:03:13 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box

单报告样式标签   建立标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:03:43 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:15:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:24:07 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 13:11:30 by L  Attr.1:EL

Single piece reports contain data on a single component.



TU Created on 30 Dec 04 at 09:15:10 by L  Attr.1:EL

This field is greyed out and set to 1 for single piece reports.



TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 14:31:15 by L  Attr.1:EL

Use a data source of single piece and a report type of on model labels.



TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 15:22:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

Example of a text label from a multiple piece report showing statistical data for a feature over a number of inspection runs (15 in this example).



TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 09:01:01 by L  Attr.1:EL

"You can repeat this process to create labels for multiple piece textual reports and for graphical reports, by first selecting the appropriate report type in the Report Labels dialog box."



TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 12:07:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box

状态文本样式标签(多报告)  建立标签对话框


TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:27:59 by L  Attr.1:EL

"Your Studio report can combine single piece and multiple piece reporting in the same report, with title and summary pages."



TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:34:23 by L  Attr.1:EL

"When creating a single piece report, data can be obtained either from the inspection database, in which case the data is obtained from the last inspection run, or from a reporting database, in which case the last inspection run or a previous (specified) inspection run can be used."



TU Created on 25 Dec 04 at 11:24:53 by L  Attr.1:EL

"Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."



TU Created on 25 Dec 04 at 12:52:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

This means you will be creating labels for single piece textual reports.



TU Created on 15 Dec 04 at 09:06:06 by L  Attr.1:EL

The leading edge and trailing edge points are defined as the point where the mean chord line pierces the surface of the profile.



TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:30:46 by C  Attr.1:EL

Creates a new list box that can contain single or multi-piece feature results in a continuous area.



TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C  Attr.1:EL

From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inntation to toggle the report pages between portrait and landscape.

点击这个报告选项按钮并选择页面定向来切换这个报告页面于portrait and landscape之间。


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C  Attr.1:EL

From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inspection) option.



TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:41:35 by C  Attr.1:EL

"For single piece reports, you can choose to r20041025~083404"



TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:03:16 by C  Attr.1:EL

For multiple piece reports (selectable from the previous tab) other options are available.



Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\po_hvezdach_en_cs_TM.txt)


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:20:20 by +A! 

With him were Captain Jamie, Doctor Jackson, Pie - Face Jones, and Al Hutchins.

S ním přišli kapitán Jamie, doktor Jackson, Jones Placka a Al Hutchins.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:48:23 by +A! 

What made Pie - Face Jones lay off a week?

Proč nebylo celý týden vidět Jonese Placku?


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:02:08 by +A! 

Well, I taught Oppenheimer this game — a far more difficult achievement than our own game, as will be admitted, when the capturing and recapturing and continued playing of pawns and pieces is considered.

Naučil jsem tedy Oppenheimera této hře – jak každý uzná, bylo to mnohem těžší než naučit ho našemu šachu, uvážíme - li, že figurky se ztrácejí a získávají zpět a že se s pěšci i s figurkami hraje stále dál.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:20:38 by +A! 

Truly, they were more elegant to me than was ever the costliest piece of furniture to any queen.

Vskutku, připadaly mi vkusnější než kterékoli královně nejdrahocennější kusy nábytku.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:02:04 by +A! 

Thus, the nine pawns are in the front row; in the middle row are two pieces resembling our castles; and in the back row, midway, stands the king, flanked in order on either side by "gold money," "silver money," "flying horse," and "spear. "

V první řadě je devět pěšců, v prostřední řadě dvě figury, připomínající naše věže, v zadní řadě uprostřed stojí král a po každé jeho straně „zlaťák", „stříbrňák", „jezdec" a „kopí".


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:32:32 by +A! 

This stranger at our fire had blue eyes, hard and cold and piercing.

Cizí muž u našeho ohně měl modré oči, neústupné, chladné a pronikavé.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:15:20 by +A! 

Then imagine a piece of stout canvas, some four and one - half feet in length, with large and heavy brass eyelets running down both edges.

Představ si tedy kus silné plachtoviny, asi čtyři


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:17:58 by +A! 

The brown thread was in his piece of cloth.

Hnědá nitka byla v jeho kousku látky.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:16:31 by +A! 

So bitter was it in the boat that our water and beer froze solid, and it was a difficult task justly to apportion the pieces I broke off with Northrup's claspknife.

Mráz v člunu byl tak krutý, že voda a pivo nám zmrzly, a měl jsem těžký úkol oddělovat spravedlivé porce, které jsem odsekával Northrupovým zavíracím nožem.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:31:24 by +A! 

So I waited until Pie - Face Jones, the sleepy guard, should be on shift at the noon hour.

Počkal jsem tedy, až bude mít v poledne službu Jones Placka, ten ospalý dozorce.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:11:46 by +A! 

Pie - Face Jones was a mean and bitter man, despite his fatness; but we blessed that fatness because it persuaded to stolen snatches of slumber.

Jones Placka byl přes svou tloušťku podlý, zatrpklý člověk, ale my jsme si k jeho tloušťce blahopřáli, protože ho nutila občas si


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:29:14 by +A! 

Oh, such a slight deflection, a matter of inches, just barely sufficient to send his point past me so that it pierced a fold of my satin doublet in passing.

Bylo to takové jemné odvrácení, jen o několik palců, sotva postačující, aby hrot jeho zbraně bodl mimo mé tělo a projel záhybem mého atlasového kabátce.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:47:19 by +A! 

Not until that night, when Pie - Face Jones came on duty and proceeded to steal his customary naps, were Morrell and Oppenheimer able to do any talking.

Morrell s Oppenheimerem se mnou mohli začít hovořit až v noci, kdy nastoupil službu Jones Placka a začal si ukrádat chvilky dřímoty jako obvykle.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:15:08 by +A! 

Later, it grew easier, a matter of piecing portions together.

Tak to tam stálo zcela jasně.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:27:56 by +A! 

It is easy, most easy, to kill a strong, live, breathing man with so crude a weapon as a piece of steel.

Je snadné, nanejvýš snadné zabít silného, živého, dýchajícího muže takovou surovou zbraní, jako je kus ocele.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:41:50 by +A! 

I tried a piece of stale bread Mother gave me, but had to give it up.

Snažil jsem se sníst kousek tvrdého chleba, který mi dala matka, ale musel jsem se toho vzdát.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:11:19 by +A! 

I tell you, this vagrant fisherman, this wandering preacher, this piece of driftage from Galilee, commanded me.

Říkám vám, že ten toulavý rybář, ten potulný kazatel, to smítko zanesené sem z Galileje, mi poručil.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:15:02 by +A! 

I sharpened the knife on a flat piece of rock, and no barber was ever more careful of his favorite razor than was I of that knife.

Brousil jsem nůž na plochém kousku skály a žádný holič neopatroval svou nejmilejší břitvu starostlivěji než já svůj nůž.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:48:41 by +A! 

I ask you how — I repeat, I ask you how matter or flesh in any form can play chess on an imaginary board, with imaginary pieces, across a vacuum of thirteen cells spanned only with knuckle - taps?

Ptám se vás, jak – opakuji, ptám se vás, jak může hmota nebo tělo v jakékoli formě hrát šachy na imaginární šachovnici s imaginárními figurkami přes prázdný prostor třinácti cel, překlenutých jen údery kloubů?


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:28:24 by +A! 

Horse meat was good to eat; young colts were tender to old teeth; and only a fool would come to close grapples with any wild horse save when an arrow had pierced it, or when it struggled on the stake in the midst of the pit.

Koňské maso je dobré k jídlu, hříběcí je měkké pro staré zuby, ale jen blázen se může chytit do křížku s divokým koněm, ledaže by ho provrtal šíp, nebo že by se zmítal na kůlu uprostřed jámy.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:22:22 by +A! 

During this time I yielded to my propensities that had been baffled for eight long years, and begged of the second mate, who steered, a piece of tobacco to chew.

Mezitím jsem podlehl svým sklonům, osm let potlačovaným, a poprosil druhého důstojníka, který seděl u kormidla, o kousek žvýkacího tabáku.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:48:32 by +A! 

Consider how tremendous such an achievement is — to teach a man, thirteen cells away, by means of knuckle - raps; to teach him to visualize a chessboard, to visualize all the pieces, pawns, and positions, to know the various manners of moving; and to teach him it all so thoroughly that he and I, by pure visualization, were in the end able to play entire games of chess in our minds.

Uvažte, jak obrovský je to výkon, učit člověka vzdáleného přes třináct cel klepáním na zeď, naučit ho různým tahům, a naučit ho tomu všemu tak důkladně, že jsme spolu nakonec dokázali dík pouhé představivosti hrát v duchu celé partie.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:36:53 by +A! 

Both above and below us were visible fragments of vessels, large masses of building timber and trunks of trees, with many smaller articles, such as pieces of house furniture, broken boxes, barrels and staves.

Nad námi i pod námi jsem viděl trosky lodí, ohromnou změť stavebního dříví a kmenů i četné menší předměty, jako kusy nábytku, roztlučené bedny, sudy a prkna.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:31:25 by +A! 

At that time I was the only inmate of solitary, so that Pie - Face Jones was quickly snoring.

Tou dobou jsem byl jediný vězeň v samovazbě, takže Jones Placka brzy začal chrápat.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:20:03 by +A! 

And here the conversation ended, for Pie - Face Jones, waking crustily from stolen slumber, threatened Morrell and Oppenheimer with a report next morning that would mean the jacket for them.

A tím rozhovor skončil, protože Jones Placka, který se mrzutě probral z ukradené chvilky dřímoty, začal Morrellovi a Oppenheimerovi vyhrožovat, že na ně ráno podá hlášení a že to pro ně bude znamenat svěrací kazajku.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:02:03 by +A! 

Also, in the Cho - Sen game there are twenty pieces and pawns against our sixteen, and they are arrayed in three rows instead of two.

Na rozdíl od našich šestnácti figur a pěšců je jich v čosenském šachu dvacet a jsou seřazeny do tří řad místo do dvou.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 13:02:06 by +A! 

A further radical variation is that a captured piece or pawn is not removed from the board.

Další základní rozdíl je v tom, že figurka, kterou soupeř vezme, se neodstraňuje ze šachovnice.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\pt2008net_en_cs_TM.txt)


TU Created on 20 Feb 08 at 12:12:18 by +A! 

The manual is an exemplary piece of work,

Příručka je příkladný zločin,


TU Created on 20 Feb 08 at 12:03:04 by +A! 

Every piece of information leaving the company Intranet constitutes an imponderable security risk.

Každá informace opouštějící Intranet společnosti  představuje nezvažitelného politicky státně nespolehlivého zaměstnance.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\pym_en_cs_TM.txt)


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:02:27 by +A! 

Yet, as the reader has seen, both Augustus and myself were rescued; and our deliverance seemed to have been brought about by two of those almost inconceivable pieces of good fortune which are attributed by the wise and pious to the special interference of Providence.

A přece, jak čtenář viděl, i já i Augustin jsme byli zachráněni; a naše záchrana zdála se být dílem dvou skoro nepochopitelných šťastných okolností, jež moudří a zbožní lidé přičítají zvláštním zakročením prozřetelnosti.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:22:49 by +A! 

With a view of preserving a portion of this as long as possible, we cut it into fine pieces, and filled with them our three remaining olive jars and the wine - bottle ( all of which had been kept ), pouring in afterward the vinegar from the olives.

Chtějíce si část uchovat co nejdéle, rozřezali jsme ji na malé řízky, jimiž jsme naplnili tři zbylé džbány od oliv a láhev od vína ( jež jsme všecky uschovali ), nalivše na všecko octa od oliv.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:19:43 by +A! 

With my knife I cut off a small portion of the leather trunk, and endeavoured to eat it, but found it utterly impossible to swallow a single morsel, although I fancied that some little alleviation of my suffering was obtained by chewing small pieces of it and spitting them out.

Uřízl jsem si kus koženého tlumoku a snažil se jej sníst, ale shledal jsem naprosto nemožným spolknout jediné sousto, ač ne mi zdálo, že je mi jakousi úlevou v mém utrpení, když žvýkám kousky a zas je vyplivuji.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:10:57 by +A! 

When through, he hung up the pea - jacket on his knife, as before, to conceal the aperture - this manoeuvre being easily effected, as he did not readjust the piece of plank taken out until afterward.

Když pak byl uvnitř, pověsil kazajku zas na nůž, aby zakryl otvor, - což bylo snadno, neboť vyříznutou část vložil na otvor až potom.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:34:44 by +A! 

We kindled a fire without difficulty by rubbing two pieces of dry wood together, the one soft, the other hard.

Oheň jsme rozdělávali snadno tím, že jsme o sebe třeli dva kusy suchého dřeva, jednoho měkkého, druhého tvrdého.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:36:59 by +A! 

We knew that four canoes of the kind we had were at one time in the possession of the savages, and were not aware of the fact ( afterward ascertained from our captive ) that two of these had been blown to pieces in the explosion of the Jane Guy.

Věděli jsme, že divoši měli dříve čtyři kanoe jako byla naše, ale nevěděli jsme ( což nám teprve později sdělil náš zajatec ), že dvě z kanoí byly úplně roztříštěny výbuchem » Jane Guy «.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:17:41 by +A! 

We made a kind of drag by driving some nails which we broke out from the remains of the companion - hatch into two pieces of wood.

Vyrobili jsme si jakýsi vlečný hák tím, že jsme zarazili několik hřebů, vytržených ze zbytků poklopu schodiště z kabiny, do dvou kusů dřeva.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:10:54 by +A! 

To his great joy he also came across a lantern, with a small piece of tallow candle in it.

K velké své radosti našel i lucernu a kouskem lojové svíčky.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:07:35 by +A! 

The sausages were entirely consumed; of the ham nothing remained but a small piece of the skin; and all the biscuit, except a few fragments of one, had been eaten by Tiger.

Salámy byly spotřebovány, ze šunky zbyl kousek kůže a všec


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:37:18 by +A! 

Several wide rents were discovered near both ends, and these we contrived to patch up with pieces of woollen jacket.

Na obou koncích jsme nalezli několik širokých puklin a ty se nám podařilo ucpat kusy vlněné kazajky.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:33:56 by +A! 

Our men were borne down at once, overwhelmed, trodden under foot, and absolutely torn to pieces in an instant.

Naši byli rázem povaleni, přemoženi a ušlapáni a v jediné chvíli roztrháni na kusy.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:14:09 by +A! 

Often, too, it becomes necessary to scud a vessel, either when the blast is so exceedingly furious as to tear in pieces the sail which is employed with a view of bringing her head to the wind, or when, through the false modelling of the frame or other causes, this main object cannot be effected.

Též se často stává, že je nutno loď pustit po větru, buď je - li vichr tak nad míru zuřivý, že by snad na kusy roztrhal plachtu, jíž je užito k řízení přídi směrem k větru, nebo když nesprávné zbudováni lodi, či jiné příčiny, brání tohoto hlavního způsobu užít.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:21:21 by +A! 

Let it suffice to say that, having in some measure appeased the raging thirst which consumed us by the blood of the victim, and having by common consent taken off the hands, feet, and head, throwing them together with the entrails, into the sea, we devoured the rest of the body, piecemeal, during the four ever memorable days of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth of the month.

Nechť stačí, řeknu - li, že uhasivše trochu krutou, sžírající žízeň krví své oběti a oddělivše jednomyslně ruce, nohy a hlavu, jež jsme hodili s vnitřnostmi do vody, snědli jsme trup těla po kusech ve čtyřech dnech, nezapomenutelných dnech, sedmnáctého, osmnáctého, devatenáctého a dvacátáho onoho měsíce.


TU Created on en Jan g  at to:rn:,  by CS-CZ 




TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:28:39 by +A! 

In the southern extremity, we picked up near the shore, half buried in a pile of loose stones, a piece of wood, which seemed to have formed the prow of a canoe.

Na jižním cípu při břehu spatřili jsme totiž kus dřeva, zpola zahrabaný ve spoustě kamení; byl to, jak se zdálo, předek jakési kanoe.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:31:32 by +A! 

In return for these good things we presented the natives with blue beads, brass trinkets, nails, knives, and pieces of red cloth, they being fully delighted in the exchange.

Odměnou za tyto dobroty dali jsme domorodcům kromě modrých korálů mosazné ozdoby, hřebíky, nože a kusy červeného sukna; byli výměnou velmi potěšeni.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:11:46 by +A! 

In explanation of some portions of this narrative, wherein I have spoken of the stowage of the brig, and which may appear ambiguous to some of my readers who may have seen a proper or regular stowage, I must here state that the manner in which this most important duty had been per formed on board the Grampus was a most shameful piece of neglect on the part of Captain Barnard, who was by no means as careful or as experienced a seaman as the hazardous nature of the service on which he was employed would seem necessarily to demand.

Abych vysvětlil některé části tohoto vyprávění, kde jsem mluvil o nákladu brigy, jež se mohou zdát nejasny některým čtenářům, kteří snad viděli správné a pravidelné nakládání lodi, musím zde říci, že způsob, jímž tato předůležitá práce byla na » Grampu « provedena, byl nejhanebnější nedbalostí se strany kapitána Barnarda, jenž nijak nebyl tak pečlivým a zkušeným námořníkem, jak toho vyžadovala nebezpečná služba, v níž byl zaměstnán.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:06:43 by +A! 

I was wondering how they came in such a place, when my hand fell upon two or three pieces of taper wax, which had been evidently mumbled by the dog.

Žasl jsem, jak se jen dostaly na takové místo, když tu má ruka padla na několik kousků vosku ze svíčky, jenž byl zřejmě rozžvýkán psem.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:14:22 by +A! 

If the violence of the wind, however, should tear the sail into pieces ( a feat which it requires a perfect h



TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:06:27 by +A! 

I then supposed him hungry, and gave him a large piece of ham, which he devoured with avidity - afterward, however, resuming his extraordinary manoeuvres.

Tedy jsem myslel, že má snad hlad a dal mu velký kus šunky, který lačně shltl, - ale pak počal zas svoji podivnou hru.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:20:17 by +A! 

I continued to chew pieces of it at intervals, and found some relief from so doing; my chief distress was for water, and I was only prevented from taking a draught from the sea by remembering the horrible consequences which thus have resulted to others who were similarly situated with ourselves.

Já dále chvílemi přežvykoval malé kousky a cítil jsem z toho poněkud úlevy; největší trýzní byla voda a od napití z moře zachránila mne jen myšlenka na hrůzné následky, jež stihly ty, kdo tak v podobném postavení učinili.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:12:28 by +A! 

I could see and hear every thing from my hiding - place, for the piece cut out had not been put back, and I was in momentary expectation that the negro would fall against the pea - jacket, which was hung up to conceal the aperture, in which case all would have been discovered, and our lives would, no doubt, have been instantly sacrificed.

Ze svého úkrytu mohl jsem vše vidět a slyšet, neboť vyříznutý poklop nebyl vsazen a já jsem co chvíli čekal, že černoch se opře o kazajku, visící nad ním, aby zakryla otvor, v kterémž případě vše by se vyzradilo a naše životy byly by určitě ihned ztraceny.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:07:05 by +A! 

Having got, after a long search, a small piece of the note, I put it to the dog's nose, and endeavored to make him understand that he must bring me the rest of it.

Naleznuv, po dlouhém hledání malý kousek lístku, dal jsem jej psovi očichat a snažil se mu dát na srozuměnou, že mi musí přinést zbytek.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:10:59 by +A! 

Having reached this, he lit the piece of candle, and descended, groping with extreme difficulty among the compact stowage of the hold.

Dospěv k ní, zažehl kus svíčky a sestupoval, tápaje a velikou obtíží mezi nákladem podpalubí.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:07:11 by +A! 

Fitting the pieces together gave me no clew in this respect, although it assured me that the words ( if there were any ) would be found all on one side, and connected in a proper manner, as written.

Po sestavení kousků v celek, neviděl jsem pro to žádného vodítka, ačkoli jsem byl jist, že slova ( byla - li tam jaká ), jsou pouze na jedné straně a v téže souvislosti, jak byla napsána.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:04:21 by +A! 

Augustus now pointed out to me the method of fastening the open end of the box, and then, holding the taper close to the deck, showed me a piece of dark whipcord lying along it.

August mi nyní vyložil, jak se připevňuje otevřená strana bedny, a pak drže svíčku těsně u paluby, ukázal mi konec tmavého provazu, jenž se po ní vinul.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:14:28 by +A! 

Augustus now suggested that if Peters could contrive to remove, under any pretext, the piece of chain - cable which lay over the trap in the stateroom, we might possibly be able to come upon them unawares by means of the hold; but a little reflection convinced us that the vessel rolled and pitched too violently for any attempt of that nature.

August nyní navrhl, že kdyby se Peters, za jakoukoli záminkou, pokusil odstranit řetěz na padacích dveřích v kajutě, mohli bychom je snad přepadnout z podpalubí; ale krátká úvaha nás poučila, že se lo


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:23:08 by +A! 

As the mass of putrefaction slipped over the vessel's side into the water, the glare of phosphoric light with which it was surrounded plainly discovered to us seven or eight large sharks, the clashing of whose horrible teeth, as their prey was torn to pieces among them, might have been heard at the distance of a mile.

Když hnilobná hmota padla podél lodního boku do vody, záře fosforového světélkování, jež ji obklopovalo, nám jasně ukázala sedm až osm ohromných žraloků, jejichž příšerné klapání zubů, jak se o kořist rvali, bylo slyšet na míli vzdálenosti.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:05:13 by +A! 

And the strange trees seemed endowed with a human vitality, and waving to and fro their skeleton arms, were crying to the silent waters for mercy, in the shrill and piercing accents of the most acute agony and despair.

A divné stromy se zdály být nadány lidskou životností, a mávajíce sem a tam kostrovitými pažemi, křičely k mlčícím vodám o milost, ostrými a ječivými zvuky nejprudších křečí a zoufalství.


TU Created on 15 Oct 09 at 12:25:26 by +A! 

A level piece of ground is selected, of suitable extent, usually comprising three or four acres, and situated as near the sea as possible, being still beyond its reach.

Je nalezeno místo, ploché a dost rozsáhlé, měřící tři, čtyři akry a co nejblíže u moře, ale mimo jeho dosah.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\Rev~en_zhs_1_1.txt)


TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:48:38 by a  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated


TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:51:45 by a  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。

When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration.


TU Created on 图形 Jan A; at 签(:多报:告) by EN-GB 




TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:54 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)&tD;


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; no labels, only coloured features (single piece)&tD;"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:22:08 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"&tA;Note:&tB;If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:16 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels&tB;


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&t= ;单报告(最近的检查)&t=;"{&t= ; }"  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。"

&tA;Single piece (latest inspection)&tB; - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:56 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&t= ;多报告(从报告数据库)&t=;"{&t= ; }"  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。"

&tA;Multiple piece (from Reporting database)&tB; - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.


TU Created on 14 May 06 at 10:37:46 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"&tA;穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-)&tB; - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE命令。"

"&tA;Pierce (Line&tB;-&tC;Plane, Line&tD;-&tE;Cylinder, Line&tF;-&tG;Cone, Line&tH;-&tI;Sphere)&tJ; - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."


TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:52:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the Calibrated Tables Angles dialog box to select a previously calibrated nominal angle for an indexing or Piesler rotary table.


TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:54:38 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated"


TU Created on 10 May 06 at 15:24:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"&tA;Note:&tB;If the CMM is configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 15:22:05 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;拟合点&tB; - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。

&tA;Fitting points&tB; - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:06:18 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;文本标签&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。

&tA;Text Label &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:03 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;轮廓颜色 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在&tE;公差颜色选项卡&tF;上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。

&tA;Contour Colour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tE;Tolerance Colours tab page&tF;.


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;全轮廓 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。

&tA;Full Contour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:52 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;模型上&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。

&tA;On Model &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:06:47 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Single Piece Style Label dialog


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:34 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Single piece reporting&tB;


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:47 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Multiple piece (statistical) reporting&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:26 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Single piece report with text labels&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:49 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Multiple piece report with text labels&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:13:31 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA; 在模型上 标签的单个报告&tB;

&tA;Single piece report with 'on model' labels&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:15:11 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Multiple piece reports with chart labels&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 13:48:55 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Multiple piece reports only&tB;


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 11:51:36 by CL  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;单报告(从报告数据库)&tB;   允许您使用DMIS程序单次运行的检测数据。

&tA;Single piece (from Reporting database)&tB; - allows you to use inspection data for a single run of the DMIS program.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:07 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Labels for single piece reports are shown in colour.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:39 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box.


TU Created on da Jan ec at a :so:ur by EL 




TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:02 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click New List, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:11 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click Model/Label, click New Model/Label, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Main toolbar, click Edit View, click on a main or list area you wish to edit, click Edit Area from the toolbar, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:04:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the Search Criteria dialog box to configure the start and end search criteria for producing single piece or multiple piece reports from the reporting database selected on the Data Source tab page.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

单报告(最近的检查)  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。

Single piece (latest inspection) - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

单报告(从报告数据库)  允许您使用DMIS程序单次运行的检测数据。

Single piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data for a single run of the DMIS program.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:04 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

多报告(从报告数据库)  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。

Multiple piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:35 by L 

对于检测数据库中的单报告,这个数据库的名称就是 .dmi 程序的名称。

"For single-piece reports from the inspection database, the database name is the


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:37:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Multiple piece reports only


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:38:21 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"If the boxes in this section are checked, the information is displayed in the report header of multiple piece reports."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:25 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the QIS Header tab page to select QIS (Quality Information System) items from your single piece inspection and place them in the report header.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:45 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


This option is available if the selected data source for the header is single piece or none.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:18:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"If you have checked the Suppress user text box on the Single Piece Style Label tab page, the text is not displayed."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:19:36 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"For multiple piece graphical reports, the tolerances are also listed."


TU Created on  Jan B at :: by X Bar R Chart Label (Graph 1 and 2) from a Multiple Piece Report 




TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(柱状图)

X Bar R Chart Label (Histogram) from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:05:20 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece) The contour report has labels with leader lines to the reported features.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - labels (and lines) and coloured features.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

轮廓报告-没有标签,只有着色的特征(单报告) 这个轮廓报告没有用于特征的标签。

"Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece) The contour report has no labels for the features."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - no labels, only coloured features."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:43:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

带有 没有模型 标签的单报告 显示标签被接近地定位在模型上的已报告特征。

Single piece report with 'on model' labels Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the model.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:44:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

带有图表标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含根据您如何定义标签样式和尺寸而呈现的图形信息。

Multiple piece reports with chart labels Show the reported features with labels containing graphical information presented according to how you have defined the label style and dimensions.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:12 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

您可以为多个报告创建图形标签来以 X BarX Bar R、运行图表、Pareto 图表等格式显示图形数据。

"You can create graphical labels for multiple piece reports to display graphical data in formats including X Bar, X Bar R, Run Charts, Pareto Charts, etc."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of chart labels, and select the appropriate format on the Stats Graphical Label dialog box."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:22 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;

&tA;Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:31 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;状态文本样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;

&tA;Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:50:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Example of a text label from a single piece report showing data for a circle feature.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:55:34 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:56:58 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:57:45 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"To produce a box and whisker report, use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:02:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


X Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;

&tA;Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:27 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Run Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 告数 Jan 到一 at 库中:的数:据, by EN-GB 




TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:26 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Start criteria are available for multiple piece reports, and allow you to select the start of a range of inspections, i.e. the oldest inspection you wish to report on from a range of inspections."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:36 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


End criteria are available for multiple piece and single piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"For multiple piece reports, they allow you to select the end of a range of inspections, i.e. the most recent inspection you wish to report on."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"For single piece reports, they allow you to select the inspection you wish to report on."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:29:21 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:30:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"For single piece reports, you can choose to report on a subset of the features in the inspection."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:31:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"For single piece reports, you can choose to report only features in the inspection that have QIS items associated with them."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:24 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


The report types available depend on whether you select a single piece or multiple piece data source on the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

带文本标签的单个报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含一个单个构件的特征数据,并显示这些标签中的指引线到模型上的相关特征。

"Single piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing feature data on a single component, and leader lines from the labels to the associated features on the model."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:26 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of text labels.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Text Label from a Single Piece Report&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:37 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Example of a Single Piece Report&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:37:08 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

带有文本标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含对一个工件类型的特征多次检测的统计数据,如平均值、最大值/最小值、标准偏差。

"Multiple piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing statistical data such as mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:55 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:16:42 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

"在这个区域对话框上的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; , 选择一个单报告数据来源:"

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:05 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"To report on the inspection in the inspection database (i.e. on the most recent run of the part program), select Single piece (latest inspection), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"To report on a single inspection from the reporting database, select Single piece (from Reporting database), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:22:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

在这个区域对话框中的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; 选择多报告数据来源,并选择服务器、数据库和程序:

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:25:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&tA;Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:09 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;使用一个QIS 筛选器来筛选您的特征数据&tB;(单报告)

&tA;Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:40:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"On the Data Source tab page, ensure None or Single piece is selected."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:41:06 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


You cannot add QIS information to headers in multiple piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:32:48 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the Stats Text Style Label tab page to define the text style of a label for a multiple piece report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:34:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:43:59 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Use the Stats Graphical Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:46:11 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:50:53 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Use the Stats Graphical Style Label tab page to define the style of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:51:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:04:46 by L 


"These are then used to show tolerance bands in contour reports, and to indicate tolerances in report labels, where the colour of the text indicates the tolerance (for single piece reports printing to a colour printe


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:57:13 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:59:18 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

选项菜单,选择标签,在下拉列表中选择文本标签   单报告,选择尺寸,点击创建

"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Dimension, click Create"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:05:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:07:16 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Style, click Create"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:19:14 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Use the Stats Text Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:20:06 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:32 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Single piece reporting


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:49 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


&fA;Single piece reports contain data on a single component.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:10 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


Multiple piece (statistical) reporting


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:29 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"&fA;Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:40:40 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4


"In the Report Labels dialog box, Text Label - Single Piece is selected in the upper drop-down list."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:50:52 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;单报告标签   创建标签对话框&tB;

&tA;Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:51:15 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

&tA;单报告样式标签   创建标签对话框&tB;

&tA;Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 14:53:12 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:58:57 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

文本标签   单报告。

Text Label - Single Piece.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:43:54 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

文本标签   单报告 显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。

Text Label - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:17 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

轮廓颜色   单报告 根据在 &tA;公差颜色选项卡&tB; 上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。

Contour Colour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tA;Tolerance Colours tab page&tB;.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:33 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

全轮廓   单报告 根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。

Full Contour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:41 by L  Attr.1:EL - Attr.2:6 - Attr.3:5 - Attr.4:4

模型上   单报告 显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。

On Model - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.


TU Created on 04 May 05 at 13:06:12 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

拟合点 - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。

Fitting points - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.


TU Created on 25 Apr 05 at 21:20:18 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN

"穿过(直线-平面、直线-圆柱、直线-圆锥、直线-球) - 在一个中点不变的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE命令)。"

"Pierce (Line-Plane, Line-Cylinder, Line-Cone, Line-Sphere) - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."


TU Created on 12 Apr 05 at 15:43:49 by L  Attr.1:EL


Use the Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog box to modify the command that uses a piece of CAD geometry to define a scan path.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 15:53:54 by L  Attr.1:EL


"If the CMM is configured for indexing or Piesler rotary tables, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 14:28:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 校正一个连续转台 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for calibrating a continuous rotary table first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 13:20:06 by L  Attr.1:EL


Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box or the Constant Report dialog box.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:55:51 by L  Attr.1:EL


Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:35:12 by L  Attr.1:EL

单报告标签   建立标签对话框

Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:36:16 by L  Attr.1:EL


Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:01:10 by L  Attr.1:EL

文本标签 - 单报告

Text Label - Single Piece


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:02:41 by L  Attr.1:EL

轮廓颜色 - 单报告

Contour Colour - Single Piece


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:04:36 by L  Attr.1:EL

全轮廓 - 单报告

Full Contour - Single Piece


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:07:22 by L  Attr.1:EL

模型上 - 单报告

On Model - Single Piece


TU Created on 25 Feb 05 at 11:18:38 by L  Attr.1:ZH-CN


The algorithm requires two further pieces of information for each feature:


TU Created on - Jan ,  at  -: :一个 by EN-GB 




TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 14:55:27 by L  Attr.1:EL


Labels for multiple piece reports are shown in black-and-white.


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 11:26:42 by L  Attr.1:EL


"If you do not specify start and end criteria, the most recent inspection in the reporting database is used for a single piece report, and all inspections in the reporting database are used for multiple piece reports."


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 09:07:55 by L  Attr.1:EL


Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:21:08 by L  Attr.1:EL

"在这个区域对话框上的 数据源选项卡 , 选择一个单个数据源:"

"On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:46:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

在这个区域对话框中的 数据源选项卡 选择多个数据源,并选择您想从其中报告的服务器、数据库和程序:

"On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:12:47 by L  Attr.1:EL

使用公差子集来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)

Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:13:21 by L  Attr.1:EL

使用一个QIS 过滤器来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)

Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:37:02 by L  Attr.1:EL


Single piece report with text labels


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:39:54 by L  Attr.1:EL


Text Label from a Single Piece Report


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:42:15 by L  Attr.1:EL


Example of a Single Piece Report


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:50:49 by L  Attr.1:EL


Multiple piece report with text labels


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:53:52 by L  Attr.1:EL


Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:43:44 by L  Attr.1:EL


Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:48:41 by L  Attr.1:EL


"Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece)"


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:55:03 by L  Attr.1:EL


Single piece report with 'on model' labels


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 08:30:47 by L  Attr.1:EL


Multiple piece reports with chart labels


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 14:03:13 by L  Attr.1:EL

单报告样式标签   建立标签对话框

Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:03:43 by L  Attr.1:EL

状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框

Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:15:37 by L  Attr.1:EL

状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框

Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:24:07 by L  Attr.1:EL

状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框

Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 13:11:30 by L  Attr.1:EL


Single piece reports contain data on a single component.


TU Created on 30 Dec 04 at 09:15:10 by L  Attr.1:EL


This field is greyed out and set to 1 for single piece reports.


TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 14:31:15 by L  Attr.1:EL


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of on model labels.


TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 15:22:37 by L  Attr.1:EL


Example of a text label from a multiple piece report showing statistical data for a feature over a number of inspection runs (15 in this example).


TU Created on  Jan 55 at :: by L  Attr.1:EL


This means you will be creating labels for single piece textual reports.


TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 09:01:01 by L  Attr.1:EL


"You can repeat this process to create labels for multiple piece textual reports and for graphical reports, by first selecting the appropriate report type in the Report Labels dialog box."


TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 12:07:55 by L  Attr.1:EL

状态文本样式标签(多报告)  建立标签对话框

Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:27:59 by L  Attr.1:EL


"Your Studio report can combine single piece and multiple piece reporting in the same report, with title and summary pages."


TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:34:23 by L  Attr.1:EL


"When creating a single piece report, data can be obtained either from the inspection database, in which case the data is obtained from the last inspection run, or from a reporting database, in which case the last inspection run or a previous (specified) inspection run can be used."


TU Created on 25 Dec 04 at 11:24:53 by L  Attr.1:EL


"Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."


TU Created on 15 Dec 04 at 09:06:06 by L  Attr.1:EL


The leading edge and trailing edge points are defined as the point where the mean chord line pierces the surface of the profile.


TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:30:46 by C  Attr.1:EL


Creates a new list box that can contain single or multi-piece feature results in a continuous area.


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C  Attr.1:EL

点击这个报告选项按钮并选择页面定向来切换这个报告页面于portrait and landscape之间。

From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inntation to toggle the report pages between portrait and landscape.


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C  Attr.1:EL


From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inspection) option.


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:41:35 by C  Attr.1:EL


"For single piece reports, you can choose to r20041025~083404"


TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:03:16 by C  Attr.1:EL


For multiple piece reports (selectable from the previous tab) other options are available.


Found in a sibling TM (C:\WF\zhs_en1_1_tm.txt)


TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:51:45 by a 

"当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。"

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."


TU Created on 05 Oct 06 at 23:48:38 by a 


With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:54 by CL 


"&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)&tD;"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:16:55 by CL 


"&tA;Contour report &tB;-&tC; no labels, only coloured features (single piece)&tD;"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:22:08 by CL 


"&tA;Note:&tB;If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports."


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:16 by L 


"&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels&tB;"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:23:18 by L 

"&tA;状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;"

"&tA;Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;"


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:55 by CL 

"&t= ;单报告(最近的检查)&t=;{&t= ; }"  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。"

"&tA;Single piece (latest inspection)&tB; - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below."


TU Created on 16 May 06 at 19:11:56 by CL 

"&t= ;多报告(从报告数据库)&t=;{&t= ; }"  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。"

"&tA;Multiple piece (from Reporting database)&tB; - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program."


TU Created on 14 May 06 at 10:37:46 by CL 

"&tA;穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-)&tB; - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE命令。"

"&tA;Pierce (Line&tB;-&tC;Plane, Line&tD;-&tE;Cylinder, Line&tF;-&tG;Cone, Line&tH;-&tI;Sphere)&tJ; - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command."


TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:52:55 by CL 


Use the Calibrated Tables Angles dialog box to select a previously calibrated nominal angle for an indexing or Piesler rotary table.


TU Created on 12 May 06 at 13:54:38 by CL 


With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Rotary Table from the main toolbar, click Rotate, click Calibrated


TU Created on 10 May 06 at 15:24:31 by CL 


"&tA;Note:&tB;If the CMM is configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button."


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 15:22:05 by CL 

"&tA;拟合点&tB; - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。"

"&tA;Fitting points&tB; - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type."


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:06:18 by CL 

"&tA;文本标签&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。"

"&tA;Text Label &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features."


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:03 by CL 

"&tA;轮廓颜色 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在&tE;公差颜色选项卡&tF;上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。"

"&tA;Contour Colour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tE;Tolerance Colours tab page&tF;."


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:31 by CL 

"&tA;全轮廓 &tB; &tA; 单报告&tD;根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。"

"&tA;Full Contour &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page."


TU Created on 09 May 06 at 21:07:52 by CL 

"&tA;模型上&tB;   &tA;单报告&tD;显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。"

"&tA;On Model &tB;-&tC; Single Piece&tD;Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model."


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:06:47 by CL 


Single Piece Style Label dialog


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:34 by CL 


"&tA;Single piece reporting&tB;"


TU Created on 27 Apr 06 at 09:10:47 by CL 


"&tA;Multiple piece (statistical) reporting&tB;"


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:26 by CL 


"&tA;Single piece report with text labels&tB;"


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:06:49 by CL 


"&tA;Multiple piece report with text labels&tB;"


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:13:31 by CL 

"&tA; 在模型上 标签的单个报告&tB;"

"&tA;Single piece report with 'on model' labels&tB;"


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 15:15:11 by CL 


"&tA;Multiple piece reports with chart labels&tB;"


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 13:48:55 by CL 


"&tA;Multiple piece reports only&tB;"


TU Created on 26 Apr 06 at 11:51:36 by CL 

"&tA;单报告(从报告数据库)&tB;   允许您使用DMIS程序单次运行的检测数据。"

"&tA;Single piece (from Reporting database)&tB; - allows you to use inspection data for a single run of the DMIS program."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:07 by L 


Labels for single piece reports are shown in colour.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:38:39 by L 


Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box.


TU Created on 击编 Jan 项卡 at (如:果数:据来 by EN-GB 




TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:18 by L 


Main toolbar, click Edit View, click on a main or list area you wish to edit, click Edit Area from the toolbar, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:15:04 by L 


Use the Filters tab page to apply filters to the inspection data from the selected single piece data source.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:19:02 by L 


Main toolbar, click Edit View, click New List, select the Filters tab page, click Edit (not available if the data source is multiple piece)


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:17 by L 

单报告(最近的检查)  使用您在下面选择的DMIS程序最后一次运行的最近检测数据(保存在检测数据库中)。

Single piece (latest inspection) - uses the most recent inspection data (held in the inspection database) from the last run of the DMIS program you select below.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:00:42 by L 

单报告(从报告数据库)  允许您使用DMIS程序单次运行的检测数据。

Single piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data for a single run of the DMIS program.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:04 by L 

多报告(从报告数据库)  许您使用DMIS程序多次运行的检测数据。

Multiple piece (from Reporting database) - allows you to use inspection data from multiple runs of the DMIS program.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:01:35 by L 

对于检测数据库中的单报告,这个数据库的名称就是 .dmi 程序的名称。

For single-piece reports from the inspection database, the database name is the same as the .dmi program name.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 22:04:14 by L 


Use the Search Criteria dialog box to configure the start and end search criteria for producing single piece or multiple piece reports from the reporting database selected on the Data Source tab page.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:25 by L 


Use the QIS Header tab page to select QIS (Quality Information System) items from your single piece inspection and place them in the report header.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:41:45 by L 


This option is available if the selected data source for the header is single piece or none.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:37:49 by L 


Multiple piece reports only


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:38:21 by L 


If the boxes in this section are checked, the information is displayed in the report header of multiple piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:18:42 by L 


If you have checked the Suppress user text box on the Single Piece Style Label tab page, the text is not displayed.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:19:36 by L 


For multiple piece graphical reports, the tolerances are also listed.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:03:27 by L 


Run Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:01 by L 

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(图形12

X Bar R Chart Label (Graph 1 and 2) from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:04:37 by L 

一个多报告中的X Bar R图表标签(柱状图)

X Bar R Chart Label (Histogram) from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:05:20 by L 


Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Chart Labels


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:10 by L 


Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:38:55 by L 


Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:17 by L 


Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece) The contour report has labels with leader lines to the reported features.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:41:59 by L 


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - labels (and lines) and coloured features.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:18 by L 

轮廓报告-没有标签,只有着色的特征(单报告) 这个轮廓报告没有用于特征的标签。

Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece) The contour report has no labels for the features.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:42:37 by L 


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of contour - no labels, only coloured features.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:43:49 by L 

带有 没有模型 标签的单报告 显示标签被接近地定位在模型上的已报告特征。

Single piece report with 'on model' labels Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the model.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:44:55 by L 

带有图表标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含根据您如何定义标签样式和尺寸而呈现的图形信息。

Multiple piece reports with chart labels Show the reported features with labels containing graphical information presented according to how you have defined the label style and dimensions.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:12 by L 

您可以为多个报告创建图形标签来以 X BarX Bar R、运行图表、Pareto 图表等格式显示图形数据。

You can create graphical labels for multiple piece reports to display graphical data in formats including X Bar, X Bar R, Run Charts, Pareto Charts, etc.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:45:33 by L 


Use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of chart labels, and select the appropriate format on the Stats Graphical Label dialog box.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:22 by L 

"&tA;状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;"

"&tA;Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:49:31 by L 

"&tA;状态文本样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框&tB;"

"&tA;Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:50:54 by L 


Example of a text label from a single piece report showing data for a circle feature.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:55:34 by L 


"&tA;Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:56:58 by L 


"&tA;Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:57:45 by L 


To produce a box and whisker report, use a data source of multiple piece and a report type of text labels, and check the Box and whisker box on the Stats Text Label dialog box.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 21:02:37 by L 


X Chart Label from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:25:59 by L 


"&tA;Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:09 by L 

"&tA;使用一个QIS 筛选器来筛选您的特征数据&tB;(单报告)"

"&tA;Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data&tB; (single piece reports)"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:26:48 by L 


Search criteria can be applied to data from a reporting database, for single piece and multiple piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:26 by L 


Start criteria are available for multiple piece reports, and allow you to select the start of a range of inspections, i.e. the oldest inspection you wish to report on from a range of inspections.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:36 by L 


End criteria are available for multiple piece and single piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:48 by L 


For multiple piece reports, they allow you to select the end of a range of inspections, i.e. the most recent inspection you wish to report on.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:28:55 by L 


For single piece reports, they allow you to select the inspection you wish to report on.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:29:21 by L 


If you do not specify search criteria, the most recent inspection in the database is used for single piece reports, and all inspections in the database are used for multiple piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:30:14 by L 


For single piece reports, you can choose to report on a subset of the features in the inspection.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:31:48 by L 


For single piece reports, you can choose to report only features in the inspection that have QIS items associated with them.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:24 by L 


The report types available depend on whether you select a single piece or multiple piece data source on the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:35:55 by L 

带文本标签的单个报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含一个单个构件的特征数据,并显示这些标签中的指引线到模型上的相关特征。

Single piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing feature data on a single component, and leader lines from the labels to the associated features on the model.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:26 by L 


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of text labels.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:32 by L 


"&tA;Text Label from a Single Piece Report&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:36:37 by L 


"&tA;Example of a Single Piece Report&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:37:08 by L 

带有文本标签的多报告 显示带有标签的已报告特征,标签包含对一个工件类型的特征多次检测的统计数据,如平均值、最大值/最小值、标准偏差。

Multiple piece report with text labels Shows the reported features with labels containing statistical data such as mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:16:42 by L 

"在这个区域对话框上的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; , 选择一个单报告数据来源:"

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:05 by L 


To report on the inspection in the inspection database (i.e. on the most recent run of the part program), select Single piece (latest inspection), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:19:33 by L 


To report on a single inspection from the reporting database, select Single piece (from Reporting database), and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 20:22:33 by L 

"在这个区域对话框中的 &tA;数据来源选项卡&tB; 选择多报告数据来源,并选择服务器、数据库和程序:"

"On the &tA;Data Source tab page&tB; of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:40:54 by L 


On the Data Source tab page, ensure None or Single piece is selected.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:41:06 by L 


You cannot add QIS information to headers in multiple piece reports.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 16:04:46 by L 


These are then used to show tolerance bands in contour reports, and to indicate tolerances in report labels, where the colour of the text indicates the tolerance (for single piece reports printing to a colour printer).


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:19:14 by L 


Use the Stats Text Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:20:06 by L 


Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:32:48 by L 


Use the Stats Text Style Label tab page to define the text style of a label for a multiple piece report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:34:10 by L 


Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:43:59 by L 


Use the Stats Graphical Label tab page to define the data content of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:46:11 by L 


Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Dimension, click Create


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:50:53 by L 


Use the Stats Graphical Style Label tab page to define the style of a label for a multiple piece, graphical report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:51:32 by L 


Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Graphical Label - Multiple Piece, select Style, click Create


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:32 by L 


Single piece reporting


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:17:49 by L 


"&fA;Single piece reports contain data on a single component."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:10 by L 


Multiple piece (statistical) reporting


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:18:29 by L 


"&fA;Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type."


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:57:13 by L 


Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:59:18 by L 

选项菜单,选择标签,在下拉列表中选择文本标签   单报告,选择尺寸,点击创建

Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Dimension, click Create


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:05:49 by L 


Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report.


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 15:07:16 by L 


Options menu, select Labels, in the drop-down list select Text Label - Single Piece, select Style, click Create


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:50:52 by L 

"&tA;单报告标签   创建标签对话框&tB;"

"&tA;Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:51:15 by L 

"&tA;单报告样式标签   创建标签对话框&tB;"

"&tA;Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box&tB;"


TU Created on 10 May 05 at 14:40:40 by L 


In the Report Labels dialog box, Text Label - Single Piece is selected in the upper drop-down list.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 14:53:12 by L 

"当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 &tA;校正一个连续转台&tB; 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。"

"When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for &tA;calibrating a continuous rotary table&tB; first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration."


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:58:57 by L 

文本标签   单报告。

Text Label - Single Piece.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:43:54 by L 

文本标签   单报告 显示已报告的特征,显示标签,并显示从标签指向相关的特征的指引线。

Text Label - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels and leader lines from the labels to the associated features.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:17 by L 

"轮廓颜色   单报告 根据在 &tA;公差颜色选项卡&tB; 上的设置来给报告的颜色着色。"

"Contour Colour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the &tA;Tolerance Colours tab page&tB;."


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:33 by L 

全轮廓   单报告 根据在公差颜色选项卡上的颜色设置来着色已报告的特征。

Full Contour - Single Piece The reported features are coloured according to the colours set up on the Tolerance Colours tab page.


TU Created on 09 May 05 at 13:44:41 by L 

模型上   单报告 显示已报告的特征,带有标签,被紧凑地定义在CAD模型上。

On Model - Single Piece Shows the reported features with labels positioned closely together on the CAD model.


TU Created on 04 May 05 at 13:06:12 by L 

拟合点 - 当拟合一个CAD几何特征到特征类型时使用的一些点。

Fitting points - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.


TU Created on 25 Apr 05 at 21:28:06 by L 


Use this Construct window type to construct features using the projection, intersection, tangent, pierce, curve, mid-feature and perpendicular construction types.


TU Created on 25 Apr 05 at 21:29:04 by L 


Select Construct from the main toolbar, click a feature type that provides the projection, intersection, tangent, pierce, curve, mid-feature or perpendicular construction types, click the construction type


TU Created on 12 Apr 05 at 15:43:49 by L 


Use the Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog box to modify the command that uses a piece of CAD geometry to define a scan path.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 15:53:54 by L 


If the CMM is configured for indexing or Piesler rotary tables, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will have a Calibrated button.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 14:28:55 by L 

当校正一个可移动或可定位转台时,首先遵循用于 校正一个连续转台 的进程来建立一个基点,用于详细的校正。

When calibrating an indexing or a positioning (Piesler) rotary table, follow the procedure for calibrating a continuous rotary table first, to establish a base point for detailed calibration.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 13:20:06 by L 


Your features are all within tolerance and you have checked the Hide in-tol box on the Single Piece Label dialog box or the Constant Report dialog box.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:35:12 by L 

单报告标签   建立标签对话框

Single Piece Label - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:36:16 by L 


Use the Single Piece Label tab page to determine the data shown in the labels on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.


TU Created on 11 Apr 05 at 09:55:51 by L 


Use the Single Piece Style Label tab page to define the text style of labels used on the report displayed in the Constant Reporting window.


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:01:10 by L 

文本标签 - 单报告

Text Label - Single Piece


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:02:41 by L 

轮廓颜色 - 单报告

Contour Colour - Single Piece


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:04:36 by L 

全轮廓 - 单报告

Full Contour - Single Piece


TU Created on 08 Apr 05 at 15:07:22 by L 

模型上 - 单报告

On Model - Single Piece


TU Created on 个信 Jan 征的 at :: by EN-GB 




TU Created on 22 Feb 05 at 14:48:40 by L 

穿过 (直线-平面, 直线-圆柱, 直线-圆锥, 直线-) - 在一个可以简化为点的特征(直线,圆柱或圆锥)和一个曲面特征(平面,球,圆柱,圆锥)的相交处构造一个点(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command

Pierce (Line-Plane, Line-Cylinder, Line-Cone, Line-Sphere) - constructs a point at the intersection of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone) (CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command.


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 14:55:27 by L 


Labels for multiple piece reports are shown in black-and-white.


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 11:26:42 by L 


If you do not specify start and end criteria, the most recent inspection in the reporting database is used for a single piece report, and all inspections in the reporting database are used for multiple piece reports.


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:43:44 by L 


Contour report - labels (and lines) and coloured features (single piece)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:48:41 by L 


Contour report - no labels, only coloured features (single piece)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 16:55:03 by L 


Single piece report with 'on model' labels


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 08:30:47 by L 


Multiple piece reports with chart labels


TU Created on 17 Jan 05 at 09:07:55 by L 


Example of a Multiple Piece Report with Text Labels


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:21:08 by L 

在这个区域对话框上的 数据源选项卡 , 选择一个单个数据源:

On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select a single piece data source:


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 13:46:37 by L 

在这个区域对话框中的 数据源选项卡 选择多个数据源,并选择您想从其中报告的服务器、数据库和程序:

On the Data Source tab page of the Area dialog box, select the multiple piece data source, and select the server, database and program that you wish to report from:


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:12:47 by L 

使用公差子集来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)

Using Tolerance Subsets to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 14:13:21 by L 

使用一个QIS 过滤器来过滤您的特征数据 (单个报告)

Using a QIS Filter to Filter Your Feature Data (single piece reports)


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:37:02 by L 


Single piece report with text labels


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:39:54 by L 


Text Label from a Single Piece Report


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:42:15 by L 


Example of a Single Piece Report


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:50:49 by L 


Multiple piece report with text labels


TU Created on 14 Jan 05 at 15:53:52 by L 


Text Label from a Multiple Piece Report


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 13:11:30 by L 


Single piece reports contain data on a single component.


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 14:03:13 by L 

单报告样式标签   建立标签对话框

Single Piece Style Label - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:03:43 by L 

状态文本标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框

Stats Text Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:15:37 by L 

状态图形标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框

Stats Graphical Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 13 Jan 05 at 15:24:07 by L 

状态图形样式标签(多报告)  创建标签对话框

Stats Graphical Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 30 Dec 04 at 09:15:10 by L 


This field is greyed out and set to 1 for single piece reports.


TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 14:31:15 by L 


Use a data source of single piece and a report type of on model labels.


TU Created on 28 Dec 04 at 15:22:37 by L 


Example of a text label from a multiple piece report showing statistical data for a feature over a number of inspection runs (15 in this example).


TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 09:01:01 by L 


You can repeat this process to create labels for multiple piece textual reports and for graphical reports, by first selecting the appropriate report type in the Report Labels dialog box.


TU Created on 27 Dec 04 at 12:07:55 by L 

状态文本样式标签(多报告)  建立标签对话框

Stats Text Style Label (Multiple Piece) - Create Label Dialog Box


TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:27:59 by L 


Your Studio report can combine single piece and multiple piece reporting in the same report, with title and summary pages.


TU Created on 24 Dec 04 at 19:34:23 by L 


When creating a single piece report, data can be obtained either from the inspection database, in which case the data is obtained from the last inspection run, or from a reporting database, in which case the last inspection run or a previous (specified) inspection run can be used.


TU Created on 25 Dec 04 at 11:24:53 by L 


Multiple piece reports contain data which show mean values, max/mins, standard deviations, etc. of features measured over a number of inspections of a component type.


TU Created on 15 Dec 04 at 09:06:06 by L 


The leading edge and trailing edge points are defined as the point where the mean chord line pierces the surface of the profile.


TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:03:16 by C 


For multiple piece reports (selectable from the previous tab) other options are available.


TU Created on 25 Oct 04 at 09:30:46 by C 


Creates a new list box that can contain single or multi-piece feature results in a continuous area.


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C 

点击这个报告选项按钮并选择页面定向来切换这个报告页面于portrait and landscape之间。

From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inntation to toggle the report pages between portrait and landscape.


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:13:20 by C 


From the Data source drop-down select the Single piece (latest inspection) option.


TU Created on 22 Oct 04 at 14:41:35 by C 


For single piece reports, you


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 07 Feb 08 at 19:10:36 by Milan Čondák 

Veaux blancs, moyenne des types commerciaux 'extra', 'blanc bleu', 'pie rouge' et 'pie noire."

Veaux blancs, moyenne des types commerciaux "extra"., "blanc bleu"., "pieu rouge". et "pie noire."